Why MDDE 610? in Profile view

Why MDDE 610?

When choosing programs courses, there are the usual list of compulsory and electives that are your options.  However, what I found is that this is the first time that my learning is directly related to my employment and career.

As such, I've taken great pleasure in creating a course path that aligned with perceived gaps in my skill set.  In the past couple of years, I've focused on instructional design so I can better assist our part time faculty.  As I worked through these courses, it was decided that I needed to expand my knowledge outside of the institutional technology I was so accustomed- Desire2Learn, Outlook, Elluminate and Servers.

The decision to enroll in MDDE 610 was in hopes to expose myself to alternate technologies to develop current knowledge and identify trends that I can translate to my career and workplace.

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