Open Educational Resources and Openness in Education in Artefact 2: Open Learning

Open Educational Resources and Openness in Education


MDDE 622 Openness in Education was run in the fall of 2012 and I participated as an Athabasca student in the tuition course for a grade, and in the 'open' course, no grade.

In the tuition course, I created an Open Educational Resource (OER), along with other course assignments. In the open course, I participated by writing and sharing my diigo bookmarks and online journal, reflecting on the course readings, the practice of open education and the growth of massive open online courses or MOOCs and their impact on distance learning.

The learning assets associated with this artefact represent turning points or 'a-ha' moments for me as this course tested my thinking of what 'openness in learning' represents. As a result, it widened my lens beyond corporate training into the history and 'philosophy of open' and trends and research of open education. Lately, through developing this portfolio and reviewing the learning assets created, I am reminded of the challenges of incorporating OERs into one's course materials. But I am also hopeful that the discipline of open education is maturing, and we will see more research and examples of open education in corporate learning settings.

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