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Donna Stewart's profile picture
Posts: 2

18 February 2013, 7:28 PM

How do i create headings, and have the headings work as a link to move to another page?

If I am not finding the basic help resources that would tell me how to do that, please direct me!



Pat Fennessy's profile picture
Posts: 2

01 April 2013, 10:37 PM

Hi Donna,

I just noticed your posting. I had trouble with this as well, and after looking at the examples and hours of tinkering, I discovered a few options to share. You will need to create your pages  first (can be in draft). Tip: Create one page as a template or copy a page from the examples, then copy for each artefact page.

I hope these instructions are not too long. I would have preferred to attach a document but I don’t see an option for this.

Option 1. Create a Collection to display links along the top of each page

  1. Click on the Portfolio link at the top of the page.
  2. Click on Collections (just below the Portfolio link).
  3. Leave the default Page navigation bar checked.
  4. Give your collection a name and click Next: Edit collection pages.
  5. Check the pages you would like added to your collection and click Done.
  6. Click Portfolio at the top of the page to get back to your Portfolio home page. You will notice that the items in your collection are displayed along the top of the page.

Option 2. Create a Collection to display in a panel box to place anywhere on the page.

  1. Click on the Portfolio link at the top of the page.
  2. Click on Collections (just below the Portfolio link).
  3. Uncheck the Page navigation bar check box.
  4. Give your collection a name and click Next: Edit collection pages.
  5. Check the pages you would like added to your collection and click Done.
  6. Click Portfolio at the top of the page to get back to your Portfolio home page.
  7. Go to the first page and click Edit this page.
  8. Click General under Edit content.
  9. Select the fourth box in Navigation: Display a collection of pages in a simple navigation list. ( You need to move your mouse over the box to find it.)
  10. Drag the navigation component to the desired location.
  11. Give it a title by clicking Set a block title. Your collection will be listed. Click Save.
  12. You will need to complete steps 7 to 11 for each page.

 Option 3. Add a custom chart in the description field of the page.

  1. First go to each of your pages and note the url/address at the top of the pages. It will be something like Note the url/address is the same; just the page number changes. Copy the first url/address.
  2. Go to the first page and click Edit this page.
  3. Click Edit title and description.
  4. Click the Insert/Edit table icon. You will probably want 7 columns (intro+5 artifacts+conclusion) and 1 row.
  5. Type in the title for your first page (change the font colour, etc to your liking). Next highlight the text and click Edit/Insert Link. Paste the URL into the Link URL text box. Type in the Title and click Insert.
  6. Click inside the next column and complete step 5 for the next page.
  7. Once you have completed each column, click Save. Click Display page near the top to view the page. Check your links.
  8. Go back to the Edit title and description and copy the columns you just created. Go to your next page, click Edit title and description, and paste the columns into the description area.

 Option 4. Create an html component to add to your Portfolio page.

  1. First go to each of your pages and note the url/address at the top of the pages. It will be something like Note the url/address is the same; just the page number changes. Copy the first url/address.
  2. Using an html editor or MSWord, type a list of titles for your pages. Do not add any extra lines after your last page title to avoid extra white space on your page in Mahara. Highlight each title separately and insert an html link using the html addresses noted in step 1. Save the list as an html page on your desktop.
  3. Go to your first page. Click Edit this page.
  4. From the Files, images and video section, drag the HTML component to the desired location on your page.
  5.  In the Block title field, type in Table of Contents or something similar. Click the check box beside Upload file then Browse… and select the file. Click Save.
  6. Repeat for each page.

 Cheers and all the best, Pat.

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