9. Cloud Computing

I have been using Google Doc's for a couple of years.  I found myself reverting back to MS Office now that Dropbox has such a large storage capacity. I'm up to 8.25G for Free. You can increase your storage capacity by referring your friends to join. Just send them a shared file or folder and you get a 250M storage increase on your account.

Another technology that you might want to have a look at is ZoHo.com this is a similar system to Google Docs. There are a few more features and the system is organized in a friend format. They offer a one stop shop, with several educational tools. This might be a good platform for k-12 classes?

Collaboration: Chat, Mail Suite, Discussions, Meeting, Projects, Share, Wiki.

Business: Assist Books, BugTracker, Creator CRM,  Invoice, People Recruit, Reports.

Productivity: Calendar, Docs, Notebook, Planner, Sheets Show Writer.


There are several apps on the market that help students connect to their LMS, for example Group #2 mTouch app to connect to cde.lms.Athabascau.ca site. I have setup a mobile server that allows students to connect with app’s like, mPage and mTouch.  The problem is students have to download and setup these app’s  to access their mobile course content, in addition the app’s cost money. 

An alternative to buying app’s and configuring to the server, we can export/convert your current sites to a mobile friendly format.  Many sites on the net currently do this. For example, if you type google.com into a mobile browser, you get re-directed to a mobile page. Facebook does the same, type in facebook.com on your iPhone browser and you will see m.facebook.com. The content is converted into a mobile format automatically.

There is a nice tool at google to take your existing site and convert it to a mobile friendly page. The approach doesn’t require the student to, buy, configure, maintain or update there app’s. Just use the site! There will be some initial setup and configuration on the part of the institution, but once it is setup it should be transparent to the student.

Google web site convert tool: http://www.google.com/gwt/n



Desktop Version


Mobile Version

Is Cloud Computing just a new name for Thin Client?

After reading a few articles on cloud computing and watching Steve Job speak about remote storage 14 years ago, reminded me that this is not a new concept.  The word “cloud” is new, but the idea that remote storage and processing has been around since the 1960’s as Craig mentioned.  Mainframe computers are a virtual cloud model.  So why is this just catching on now? Citrix systems has been offering a cloud environment for over 15 years.  May be a combination of factors; faster global infrastructure, cost savings, functionality, whatever reason It’s just nice we have it as a main stream feature today.



martin garix
27 September 2018, 2:17 AM
It is designed by Microsoft,millions over users use this application,now go on microsoft store and download this app <a href="https://rememberpasswordsinmicrosoftedge.net">remember passwords</a> such a great cool browser,i have giving the 4 star.
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