Other Supporting Documentation

Gabrielle Harvey, id#0246810, Reflections on 30 Years of Learning

Gabrielle Harvey Portfolio Table of Contents

Front End Pieces - Gabrielle Harvey

Front End Pieces - Gabrielle Harvey

Identification and Verification of Learning

Identification and Verification of Learning

Letters of Attestation

Letters of Attestation

Other Supporting Documentation

Tab 07: Summary of strategic planning sessions

Tab 08: Staff email re: objectives

Tab 09: Section meeting minutes

Tab 10: Open house team work plan

Tab 11: Community policing communications plan

Tab 12: Multi-family social marketing presentation

Tab 13: Project A

Tab 14: Section workplan

Tab 15: Project B research results

Tab 16: Project B strategy

Tab 17: Customer survey results

Tab 18: Performance reviews

Tab 19: Promotional video - place card only

Tab 20: Resources for teachers website - place card only

Tab 21: Film fest promotions

Tab 22: Proposal for communications support

Tab 23: Excerpt from magazine - place card only

Tab 24: Sample team

Tab 25: City clean up report

Tab 26: Performance appraisal

Tab 27: 20xx Public education plan

Tab 28: Endangered spaces audio-visual script

Tab 29: Project C campaign strategy

Tab 30: Project C television commercials - place card only

Tab 31: Recycling radio commercial - place card and graphic

Tab 32: Councillors' newsletter article on fees

Tab 33: Conferences and workshops list - place card only

Tab 34: Strategic plan booklet - place card only

Tab 35: Volunteer dismissal letter

Tab 36: Project D objectives and targets - place card only

Tab 37: NFB letter - place card only

Tab 38: Annual review - place card only

Tab 39: Research consultants' directions - place card only

Tab 40: Research plan - place card only

Tab 41: Manager interviews - place card only

Tab 42: Focus group results - place card only

Tab 43: Internal communications strategy - place card only

Tab 44: Project E survey - place card only

Tab 45: Project E pilot - place card only