Artefact Description
For my selection of artefact number 2, I chose to select a self-assessment from my very first course taken as part of my MEd. The course is MDDE 601: Introduction to Distance Education and Training - which I took in Spring 2015.
"This course provides students with an overview of current forms of distance education and explores a variety of applications, including distance education in post-secondary institutions, K-12 schools, and in workplace and training environments. Research and theory development are addressed. The course also examines distance education technology, online teaching and learning, as well as learner support and the management and administration of distance education programs."
Assignment #4 - Self Reflection
Credit Weight: 15%
Due Date: Week 13, last day of course.
This assignment requires each course participant to submit three examples of his/her discussion/response posts from different days. These discussion forum artifacts will be copied and pasted into the Self-assessment of Engagement paper and will represent engagement with the course, evenly distributed from the following:
Artifact One from Units 1 & 2 (Weeks 1-4);
Artifact Two from Units 3 & 4 (Weeks 5-9);
Artifact Three from Units 5 & 6 (Weeks 10-13);
These artifacts of the course will be the basis if of a self-assessment of one’s engagement with the course content and fellow students. The meta-cognitive response (approximately 1000 -1200 words) will discuss the merits of these posts and how each contributed to understanding of distance education, professional practices and one’s own learning within an online and distance environment.
Applying the rubric provided by the instructor, each student will provide a self-assessment stating his or her own appraisal of engagement and ascribe a mark. This mark needs to be justified through the meta-cognitive reflection.
Why this Artefact?
This artefact is unique as it was the first time that I was asked to evaluate myself and to provide justification for that mark. (4.2, 4.3) It is a really odd thing to be asked to evaluate oneself and leads to a very introspective thought processes. In looking back at my assignment, I think I was a little harsh on myself awarding a mark of 13/15. In justifying the mark, I provided examples of blog postings that kind of "stirred the pot" a little bit and got some great conversation going. (1.7,4.8) I think this was a fantastic exercise to "set the table" for what would lay ahead for the rest of the Masters in Education.
This artefact also demonstrates the beginning of a very reflective process and of self-discovery. (4.1) Through my Masters, I believe that I've developed as an educator and as a human being, and a good motivator for doing so was the presence of self-reflection in many of the courses I encountered. This assignment proved difficult, not in its length and complexity, but moreso in the justification needed, and reflection on participation within the course.
What I learned
I learned that self-assessment can be an extremely valuable learning tool. I learned that in being asked to evaluate myself, I learned about the evaluative process both from an examiner and from the learner's position. Another critical lesson that I learned in doing this assignment was that for the duration of this Masters, I would get out of it what I put into it. Throughout this course there were weeks that I had high levels of engagement and forum involvement. But there were also weeks that I wasn't committed to the group, either because the topic didn't appeal to me, or that I had other things in my life that had to take priority. So in assigning my own participation grade and justifying it to my professor, I had to acknowledge this and grade myself accordingly. (4.5)
Relevant Competencies
The following competencies are exemplified with this artefact
1. Problem Solving, Analysis, & Decision Making
1.7 Make reasoned arguments using critical reflection, leading to rational solutions
1.10 Recognize the wider implications of specific knowledge
4. Communication & Interpersonal Skills
4.1 Write clearly and in a style appropriate to purpose (eg: assignments, essays, published documents, and theses)
4.2 Construct coherent arguments and articulate ideas clearly to a range of audiences, formally and informally, through a variety of techniques and media
4.3 Justify and defend your ideas orally and in writing in meetings, forums, seminars, exams and other contexts
4.4 Support the learning of others when involved in teaching, mentoring, moderating, collaboration or demonstration activities
4.5 Participate and contribute effectively in collaborative group activities
4.8 Organize and convey your ideas effectively through a range of communication skills and work
MDDE 601 Participation
Negative side to Web 2.0 Technologies? – Unit 4 Forum
Below is a posting during our Unit 4 Forum
“…I'm just wondering if anyone sees a negative side of using web 2.0 technologies? I don't want to assume that these new technologies are without draw-backs.
I teach at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College, and as Chiropractors we need to interact in a face-to-face environment with our patients, and deductively reason courses of action and diagnosing our patients. I'm seeing less of these "soft skills" in my interns these days, as they are far more comfortable texting, tweeting and composing arguments on a computer, rather than be involved in personal interaction.
Anyways, just wondering if anyone else has considered the impact of web 2.0 and technology on the way we communicate and learn in person.” (Negative Impact of Web 2.0 Technologies? June 21, 2015)
This initial posting set off a lively discussion of 12 posts, involving pretty much everyone in our section of the class. I challenged the assumption that all technology advances were positive, and resulted in better educational outcomes. It turned out that most in the class were also thinking the same thing, and were wondering whether the use of these new Web 2.0 technologies was a positive or a negative development. This challenge of the initial premise of the course in distance education technologies showed critical thinking and challenging of the social norm.
MDDE 601 Participation
Degree of Involvement – Unit 5 Forum
One of the main things that I've picked up so far with this course has to deal with the amount of involvement, and the type of involvement with regards to use of forums.
When facilitating a course, research has pointed to a "less is more" approach to teaching. Interjection from a teacher in the online learning environment should be used sporadically, allowing the learning environment to self-regulate. Minimal involvement can be most effective, and also that learners don't need to relate to or know much about the instructor (contrary to face-to-face). Timely feedback is expected by on-line learners, and instructors should attempt to be as timely and constructive as possible.
In terms of a participant in online learning, the degree of involvement is also related to success. Time should be put aside by the learner for regular posting and reading. These habits need to be worked into a busy schedule so that the learner gets the most out of the course.
Vu, P., Cao, V., Vu, L., & Cepero, J. (2014). Factors Driving Learner Success in Online Professional Development. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 15, 120-139.
Lessons Learned
One of the lessons I learned through this course and in doing this self-assessment assignment was that participation is an ongoing process, and over the length of a 13 week course, engagement is going to go up and down. This bothered me at first, and was only brought to light through my self-assessment that participation/commitment to the course wavered. But I became okay with this, as I saw it in myself and my colleagues in subsequent courses. Some weeks the material "spoke to me" and other weeks it didn't, or other things took priority. But contributing quality and meaningful contributions to the class hopefully enriched the experiences of those around me. (1.10, 4.4)
Artefact #2 download
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- Friday, 15 June 2018 [28.7KB]
18 June 2018, 4:35 AM
Well-written and concise, although you can identify some additional competencies.
Here are my humble suggestions:
I think MED should be M.Ed.
Artefact Description
For my selection of artefact number 2 I - comma after 2
Assignment #4 - Self Reflection
Credit Weight: 15%
artifacts - artefacts
Artifact Three from Units 5 & 6 (Weeks 10-13);
These artifacts of the course will be the basis if of a self-assessment ... - delete if
... how each contributed to understanding of distance education - to an understanding
Why this Artefact?
It is a really odd thing to be asked to evaluate yourself, and leads to a very introspective thought processes. - delete comma after yourself; consider changing the pronoun to oneself; a very introspective thought process
awarding a ark of 13/15 - mark
"stirred the pot" a little bit, and - delete comma after bit
Through my Masters I believe - comma after Masters
This assignment proved difficult, not in it's length and complexity, but moreso in - its not it's; space after more
What I learned
Throughout this course there were weeks - comma after course
... I learned about the evaluative process both from an examiner and from the learner's position. - both from the position of examiner and learner/ both from the examiner's and learner's positions
MDDE 601 Participation
Negative side to Web 2.0 Technologies? - A negative unless this was the title
I don't want to assume that these new technologies are without draw-backs. - drawbacks is one word, so add sic
teach at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College, and as Chiropractors we need to ... - comma after Chiropractors
... rather than be involved in personal interaction. in personal interactions or in a personal interaction
It turned out that most in the class were also thinking the same thing, - most participants in the class
MDDE 601 Participation
Degree of Involvement – Unit 5 Forum
... and the type of involvement with regards to use of forums. - to the use of forums
Timely feedback is expected by on-line learners, - online
Lessons Learned
of a 13 week course, - hyphenate a 13-week
This bothered me at first, and was only brought to light... - delete comma after first
Scott Dunham
19 June 2018, 8:44 AM
Thank you for your very in-depth review and suggestions regarding grammar and punctuation. Greatly appreciated
Pamela Walsh
26 June 2018, 3:48 PM
Well done. When I first looked at this page, I was drawn to the image of the cat looking in the mirror and seeing something that no one else sees. I thought, does how I see myself really matter more than how others see me? I'm still not sure.
Thank you,
Scott Dunham
27 June 2018, 1:02 PM
Ah yes, how one views themselves may in fact be more important in how others do. It's like those oxygen masks on a plane. They tell you to put yours on before you put one on your child. If you don't practice self-love, and love the person you are, how can you possibly expect others to care about you? You need to understand and treat yourself well first, before looking after others.