Competency: Innovation and Research in Innovation and research

Competency: Innovation and Research

In my time as an MEd student at AU, I had many fantastic opportunties to work on some very interesting research projects with some very bright folks.  In this section, I've included some of my favorite bits from the following projects:

  1. Working on the Landing project to ecourage collaboration among self-paced learners
  2. Writing papers on Universal Instructional Design principles that appeared as technical notes in IRRODL
  3. Researching the use of OERs in the development of open courses and presenting at a couple of conferences
  4. Participating in an MOOC and putting a paper online about learning analytics - I didn't quite manage to get through the peer review process as life got in the way - but I was impressed that all of the reviewers had already read it online (in fact that was their biggest complaint) - Does it matter if you publish if there are other ways to get your ideas out there? I guess I'll leave that question for another grad student...

In another section of this portfolio, I also speak about research, papers and presentation about using OERs t build open courses.

Special thanks to Terry Anderson, Cindy Ives, Griff Richards, Jon Baggley, Jon Dron and George Siemens for all of the phenomenal oppotunities to participate in a vibrant research community. 

I do promise to try to write at least one acdemic paper or present something somewhere at least once a year.  This was definitely my favorite part of my MEd journey are the part that I am missing the most.

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