Associated Compentencies in Artefact 4 - Interview Question Project
Associated Compentencies
Problem Solving, Analyzing & Decision Making
1.1 Recognize problems
1.4 Define the aspects of problems.
1.5 Evaluate the relevance of information for a given situation.
1.6 Compare alternatives.
1.7 Make reasoned arguements leading to rational solutions.
1.8 Justify these solutions.
1.9 Present them to others.
1.10 Recognize wider implications of specific knowledge.
1.11 Adapt solutions to suit varied situations.
Instructional Design & Development
2.1 Discuss the implications of personal perspectives and epistemological orientations for the teaching-learning process.
2.3 Describe and apply a range of learning and motivational theories to instructional design situations in distance education.
2.5 Develop instructional products or learning objects in distance education.
2.7 Apply instructional design principles and models in distance education, in your workplace, or in other instructional contexts.
Communication & Interpersonal Skills
4.1 Write clearly and in a style appropriate to purpose (e.g. assignments, essays, published documents, and theses).
4.2 Construct coherent arguments and articulate ideas clearly to a range of audiences, formally and informally, through a variety of techniques.
4.3 Justify and defend your ideas orally and in writing in meetings, forumns, seminars, exams and other contexts.
4.4 Support the learning of others when involved in teaching, mentoring, moderating, or demonstration activities.
4.6 Demonstrate effective design, delivery and evaluation of presentations, computer conferences, or seminars.
4.7 Work cooperatively with diverse groups and individuals both within the university and/or in the workplace.