Completing My Learning Journey in AU M.Ed Program
Reaching the final stage of this wonderful learning journey, I feel the need to share that it seems to me that it will never have a finishing line. It was just the key to new doors and the path that will lead to new destinations. The skills, attitudes, and knowledge I acquired were the result of a painstaking though well-rewarding path, which involved commitment to my goals, devotion of much time, and putting hard effort. In retrospect, I can now infer that it is not the acquisition of another degree in my portfolio and CV that counts. It brings to my mind the Greek poem "Ithaka" by Cavafy that I much love and make reference to whenever a cycle of activities seems to complete and while reflecting on all the challenges involved till achievement of my goals. It is the journey that matters, with all its valuable learning moments and lifelong experiences that boost one's personal and professional growth.
"...pray that your road's a long one,
full of adventure, full of discovery..."
Referencing Aristotle, "education is an ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversity". I chose to enrol in this program when circumstances were favorable enough as to enjoy this learning experience from a number of pesrpectives, though still assuming many roles and having to sacrifice some favorite activities of mine, such as my active involvement in community projects and my time and contributions to my family, friends, and relatives. In retrospect, I feel that it was worth the effort and sacrifices, as, my takeaways are many more than my initial goals and aspirations. Every single course provided me with all these little precious stones as to construct a beautiful mosaic of valuable knowledge. All activities, from the simple tests, forum discussions, collaborative assignments, and cumulative assessment, provided me with the absolute pleasure to delve into theory, reflect, and transfer new knowledge into my own personal and professional context. I had the opportunity to reflect on my past practices and inform my future ones, based on solid foundations and wiser choices.
Despite my initial fears of a lonely journey given its online nature, my professors and peers, invaluable co-travelers in my learning path, proved my having been wrong, as there was no single activity that I felt unsupported or disoriented. I had the opportunity to enjoy the affordances of self-regulated, self-paced, learner-centered education within a social-constructivist educational framework with the pleasure of sharing experiences in a supportive, always present learning community.
The Accomplishment of my Initial Learning Goals
As presented in my introductory page of my ePortfolio capstone, my initials goals when enrolling in this M.Ed program were to:
- Fulfil my ever-growing inner desire to learn and pursue further studies as to boost my personal and professional growth.
As an educator, after the completion of my undergraduate studies and though having attended numerous seminars on teacher training for my professional development, I have always had an inner drive to pursue further academic studies. This program, combining learning theories and practice, allowed me to lay the foundations for further achievements in my career and a new perspective and worldview in my personal life. I became more mindful on "how" and "why" rather than "what" in my everyday practices as a result of the demands of this program. Each activity requirement led to my improvement in skills, especially on the cognitive and social level. In addition, my professors' and peers' favorable comments and support in every single step of progress, boosted my self-esteem and confidence and my desire to keep trying as to achieve my full potentials. This encouragement was the force that led me to consider pursuing further studies when time allows.
- Get acquainted with an international learning design framework.
My recent collaborations and networks with colleagues around the world driven by my desire for the realization of projects beyond borders and my voluntary work with diverse groups of people, led me to decide on pursuing these studies beyond the Greek educational institutions, despite offering the same program. My goal was to get acquainted with an international learning design framework that would allow me to delve into my partners' practices and smoothly collaborate and live up to their expectations. My goal seems to have been achieved, as, at the moment, I have accepted proposals for future collaborations with very prominent partners on the educational field, given my theoretically and practically well-grounded justifications of my suggestions.
- Explore various learning environments and computer-mediated studies.
Before enrolling in this program, I had the opportunity to attend both online and blended learning courses which raised my interest in learning more about the principles lying behind the design of such courses. Almost all courses in this program provided me with the knowledge and skills of the core values and principles as to actively get involved in the creation of such learning environments, with the pleasure to apply theory, design, and create a module based on my interests and future plans. Additionally, the collaborations that this program fosters, along with the computer-mediated communication, either synchronous through the Adobe Connect sessions or asynchronous through the forum discussions, proved the establishment of a learning communiy with common interests and academic pursuits that for me was beyond expectations. I never felt a lonely traveler in this challenging journey. The establishment of a Community of Inquiry had such an impact on me, that, apart from diminishing transactional distance and allowing for fruitful collaborations to flourish, I have already had the pleasure to work with my peers beyond the program requirements. More particularly, while writing this last page of my ePortfolio, I am working on a co-authoring paper with regards to our recent presentation.
- Establish my own positionality and voice in an internationally networked learning community.
Before entering the program, I was informed that it involved forum discussions that were an indispensable part of the studies, much challenging for the Greek participants, given the diversity in demographics and language barriers. The truth is that, despite it seemingly been of minor importance, it became one of the reasons I chose to enrol in this program, as I thought of the opportunity to experience this as an affordance rather than challenge. Having travelled to observe educational practices abroad, I thought that it would further provide me with the chance to interact and exchange views with colleagues worldwide, establishing my own positionality and voice as an educator and learner in an ever-accelerating global learning community. It is true that this, despite my initial fears of getting less than expected, was a very important part of my studies. Beyond expectations, and a bit reserved at the beginning while trying to understand my peers' context that was quite different from a number of perspectives, I succeded in not only presenting my own context, but also attracting their interest and attention in my elaborating and supporting my thoughts and beliefs. This accomplishment lies on the very successful and all inclusive instructional design that the program fosters, along with the professors' scaffolding and support at all levels.
- Get acquainted with new educational trends facilitated by new technologies and digital environments.
Both core and elective courses in this program were much informed and based on the demands of a new era in education and learning that the well-designed activities familiarized us with the affordances of new technologies. I was very impressed by the fact that they were not just presented on a theoretical level, but we were actively involved in getting acquainted with their practical use and mainly the learning outcome they serve. I had the pleasure to learn how to employ and leverage software programs and applications, such as Cmap, Prezi, Padlet, AnswerGarden, LearningApps, Remind, blogs, social media, just to name a few. Additionally, I got acquainted with LMS platforms, such as Moodle and Canvas, as well as OER Commons platform that allowed me to learn how to design and create my own courses. Above all, though already working with mobile technologies on an informal level, I had the opportunity to inform my practices and learn how to leverage their affordances based on theory, be aware of their limitations, and exploit future opportunities for their meaningful implementation.
Beyond Initial Goals...
In retrospect, and as you may infer from my artefacts presented, these goals were not only fulfilled but even surpassed. First and foremost, I had experienced the opportunity to in-depth learning, reflecting on the "how" and "why", making informed choices and proceed step by step building valuable knowledge. To add to this, though from a quite diverse educational context, I got acquainted with an international learning design framework that I can further adapt and apply in my own context, based on the ever-evolving needs and demands of our digital global community. In light of this, I had the opportunity to establish my own positionality and voice in a learning community, exchange views that broadened my horizons and worldviews, and gain valuable insights.
With regards to new technologies, my initial aspirations were to gain knowledge on what technologies can help me respond to the demands of an accelerating digital educational landscape, especially in the Greek context, that economic crisis calls for sustainable solutions in the educational field. Nevertheless, I realized that it is not the technology that matters but the learning it facilitates. I had the chance to learn not only how to build my own online courses but also how to do so on ground learning and teaching principles, providing opportunities for an all inclusive learning environment. To add to this, peer reviews and collaborative projects allowed for diversity to flourish as to enjoy innovation and success.
Last but not least, this program and my professors' encouragement boosted my self-esteem as to proudly conduct research and share with the learning community case studies that were presented in international conferences. In addition, I had the pleasure to be introduced to open educational resources and practices and share my own in open educational repositories. At the moment, I am still facilitating a course in AU MOOC, I am working on creating digital educational scenarios for the Aesop platform (Advanced Electronic Scenarios Operating Platform) based on secondary education textbooks, and I am a member of the wonderful IABL team--experiences that keep me learning and evolving as a professional and an individual. It is obvious that, after my studies in this program, I do resonate with Solon the Athenian's quote that my learning journey will never cease to evolve...
"Γηράσκω αεί διδασκόμενος"
Thank you all for being my co-travelers and supporters in this journey and guests in my ePortfolio!
Success is a Journey
Celebrating success is part of enjoying small and big accomplishments in life and should not be neglected; nevertheless, the journey involves mixed feelings, experiences, endeavors, that all contributed to who I am today!!!
Image retrieved from
Rita Zuba Prokopetz
05 June 2019, 9:05 AM
Hello Chryssa,
Your hard work is apparent, and you have captured meaningful moments of your learning journey on the seven pages of your collection.
Your passage on your “… initial fears” (last para. under Completing My Learning Journey…) helps your readers have better insight into how you felt then, and what your perceptions are now – nicely done, Chryssa!
You may now look back and view your layout (as you did in the beginning) to enable you to figure out a good balance for your image and text to ensure your story-telling is as prominent as the visuals on the page. The use of columns often helps with the resizing of photos and paragraphs.
Under the block The Evolution of my Initial Learning Goals, you have posted your initial goals coming into the program (re: Introduction), and you will need to state how each was accomplished/modified (or not). In order to facilitate the telling of your story in your upcoming presentation in Assignment 3, you may consider adding a short paragraph after each goal to enable your peers to view your achievement of each goal. These goals not only solidify the completion of your capstone eportfolio project journey, Chryssa, but also open doors for new beginnings.
Thank you for your commitment, Chryssa!
Chrysoula Lazou
05 June 2019, 12:36 PM
Hello Rita,
Thank you so much for the feedback and guidance! I am still experimenting with the layout of this page! Actually, I do not intend to keep all of these visuals. The last one was added probably at the time you visited my page (!) -- to decide on which ones to keep. Thank you for helping me with that!
Adding a short paragraph after each goal to support my accomplishing them sounds very helpful! Thank you for the suggestion!
Kind regards,
Brian Breivik
23 June 2019, 10:19 PM
first paragraph: to complete and my reflecting on all the challenges involved till achieving my goals. -- to be complete and while reflecting on all the challenges involved till achievement of my goals.
2nd paragraph: have chosen to enrol ... in this program when the circumstances -- chose to enroll ... when circumstances...
same paragraph: some very favorite activities of mine -- some favorite activities of mine/some of my favorite activities...
2nd section, 3rd paragraph: given my desire -- ,driven by my desire (or: which were driven by my desire)
Same section, next paragraph: Before enrolling in this program I had the opportunity -- Before enrolling in this program, I had the opportunity
Content: The latter part of Accomplishment of My Initial Learning Goals -- this part is very well written and your reflections on put theory into practice and the affordances offered to become acquainted with learning technologies really resonated with my own experiences on the program.
A very enjoyable read, Chryssa,
Chrysoula Lazou
24 June 2019, 12:32 AM
Thank you, Brian!!!!
It was my absolute pleasure to learn with you in this program!
My best wishes for your new paths!
Rita Zuba Prokopetz
24 June 2019, 4:02 AM
Hello Chryssa,
It is so rewarding to see that your (extremely) hard work has paid off. You have completed a meaningful journey, and you have shared it with your readers via your reflective passages – thank you!
As I view your final page again, I notice that you have articulated your learning journey in a more natural and reflective way – great preparation for your presentation, Chryssa! In doing so, you have enabled us, your readers, to better understand your learning experiences.
Well done, Chryssa!
Chrysoula Lazou
24 June 2019, 2:27 PM
Hello Rita,
Thank you so much for the kind comments! It is so important for me to know that my work lives up to your and my readers' expectations!
I would also like to share how grateful I am to both Dr Walsh and you for all the support and guidance throughout this demanding but very fruitful process. I feel lucky and blessed that you were always present, making recommendations, encouraging, and acknowledging my efforts to improve my work. Your feedback combined the expertise and thoughtfulness of great educators!
24 June 2019, 12:56 PM
Hi Chryssa,
congratulations on completing your e-portfolio and your Master's for that matter! Your Conclusion elaboratively and vividly presents your journey and I am thrilled that I have been a part of it! and it is obvious that this is no ending but a different beginning!
Thanks for being there, thanks for sharing, thanks for supporting - this experience would have been totally different if you hadn't enriched it!
Chrysoula Lazou
24 June 2019, 2:06 PM
Hi Maria,
Your words speak to my heart! I share the same feelings, and thank you for finding the words to articulate them!
This learning journey could not be separated at this last stage, so we will virtually meet again in our presentations! We will present our work and reflections together, and once again, support each other and, hopefully, celebrate :)
One last thing--I have a surprise for you for a great, new joint venture!!!! Stay tuned!!!
Pamela Walsh
05 July 2019, 11:08 AM
Hello Chryssa,
Your reflections on your learning journey are truly outstanding.
Your work ethic and openness to new ideas have opened up a world of possibilities for you. I feel fortunate to have shared a very small part of your journey!
Thank you Chryssa, I look forward to your presentation.
Chrysoula Lazou
05 July 2019, 12:32 PM
Hello Dr Walsh,
Thank you so much for your kind comments, contributions, and encouragement at this final stage of my learning journey!
I feel so grateful and blessed that I had the opportunity to learn from the prominent AU professors and complete my studies in this program under the supervision of a professor like you!