
A.K.A. Lola - Nickname!

Laura Ann Donnelly, M.Ed. ePortfolio Introduction


All About Me!

Welcome! My name is Laura Donnelly. I am extremely happy to be finalizing one chapter by finishing my Graduate Degree only to be able to start another in a potential change as an educator adult learning environment. I have worked very hard at completing my Master's Program in Master of Education in Open, Digital, and Distance Education over the past 3 years. My husband and I along with our dog live in Huntsville, Ontario (Muskoka) but I grew up in Burlington, Ontario. I am currently teaching a 7/8 split with the Trillium Lakelands District School Board, as I changed boards 3 years ago, having had the privilege of teaching French and English with the Halton District School Board. As I have been teaching now for 14 years, I have always strived to better my professional career with continual Professional Development through post-secondary education. As a specialist in Spec Ed, French, Intermediate Math and Information Technology through ETFO and York University, I have been extremely fortunate in my short career to also have taught in both Australia and Costa Rica. 

I chose Athabasca University for my Master's because I liked the flexibility and convenience of having an online component.t allowed me to complete my Graduate degree while working full-time.

We have 5 kids (young adults now actually, ages 21-28 and who are no longer at home). We are not only excited about being empty nesters but my husband and I are also looking forward to getting back into travelling. I mentioned above that we have a dog, he is an Australian Shepherd named Woz who is now one year old. Given where we live we have a variety of opportunities to get out and exercise where we can walk and hike together daily. For his health, and for mine!

This is my FINAL course towards finishing my Masters and I am excited to see what I can do moving forward in my career.  My dream is to travel. I would love to have a remote job working in the education industry! 

Looking forward to this learning journey with all of you! P.S. My nickname is Lola and I have had it since I was 5 years old playing baseball So, Laura or Lola is fine!

Goals in Leadership


Throughout my professional journey, my courses in MDDE allowed me to focus on questioning and improving my Leadership skills; Am I a good communicator? Am I adaptable and fluid to the ever-changing profession of teaching? Am I empathetic and can I support my students and colleagues? Do I have the ability to be strong in contextual problem-solving? Can I delegate tasks properly enough so I do not experience burnout?

These questions not only allowed me to dig deeper into leadership but also ‘Inclusiveness & Diversity.’ When I ventured into education the 7 lenses of "Equity and Inclusion" began to play a major role as an educator. “Establishing a shared culture within my workroom and my classrooms requires a sharing of values” (Coleman, M. (2012). Establishing that culture required me to adopt values and beliefs where we teach and guide our families within that system.                     

We are all better together in a safe and caring learning community. Leadership goes hand in hand with Equity and Inclusion. Open communication within my school and my classroom about, empathy, compassion and active listening are essential components of inclusive leadership. It helps shape the environment, where individuals feel safe to share their emotional thoughts and concerns.

Guiding principles

  1. We are a learning organization.

  2. We support student achievement and well-being.

  3. We support staff learning and well-being.

  4. We value communication about what equity and inclusion look like within our environment.

  5. We are committed to environmental stewardship.

Collaborative Learning Journey

Me.jpgThroughout this process of completing my Masters (MDDE), I have collaborated with others with common objectives and goals, which allowed us to all come together to form positive educational communities. These communities can be formal, such as groups in a synchronous setting, or more informal such as asynchronous online community forums where you are continuously giving feedback to your colleagues. Also, through this learning experience, we have been able to share our expertise and knowledge that shapes our learning process into a very motivating support hub. For me, this type of distance education with adult collaboration has sparked active engagement, rich and meaningful conversation and interaction, as well as collective growth moments. It harnesses the collective knowledge and resources of the group to enhance learning outcomes to create an incredibly supportive learning environment.

Learning Goals:

My goals at the beginning of this process:

- Prepare for professional employment or advanced study in the education field.

- To investigate alternate distance education platforms to better understand distance learning options for adult learners.

- To engage adult learners and support their learning in an online learning environment.

- To give me more of a more in-depth understanding of my specialty program and career focus.

- To prepare for graduate study at the doctoral level. 

- To be abe to travel (with my retired husband) and teach in an online post secondary environment.

Whats is in store for me now?

To be honest, I have always been faced with many different experiences (as I am sure we all have) but it was the loss of my closest friend to brain Cancer that made me start to re-evaluate my future. To provide context; I have a group of gals (10 of us) that have been friends for 7 plus years (it was our boy's hockey that initially connected us). One girlfriend in the group was diagnosed with colon cancer that took a turn for the worse in 2022 after a 6-year battle. I am going to be brutally honest. I reevaluated my life in it's truest form (work /life balance) and realized that "Life is truly short". I know it sounds like a cliche but "take the trip, eat the cake and buy the shoes" (author unknown).

As an intermediate teacher, I am looking to expand my professional horizons, travel, work abroad and teach on a virtual basis. As we always say to our 5 kids, "Family will always find you, no matter where you live and Home will always be wherever we are".                short.png

5 Artefacts

MDDE 602 - Research Methods in Distance Education - Understanding the research process. This course almost made me quit my Masters. Joking but not joking. I did not do well in Stats in University and the idea and understanding of qualitative research and quantitative research was confusing and difficult for me to comprehend. It did however manage to get me thinking about differentiating between small-r ("informs my knowledge") and big-R research ("adds to the collective knowledge held by society"). I wanted to discuss this course because it was a course I did incredible growth with (especially with my knowledge and understanding).

MDDE 604 - Instructional Design in D.E. - The ISD project I created was based on both instructor-led and self-directed learner. As an educator and having experienced the life of Covid (watching my students and at times myself) with the face-to-face connectivity or lack thereof..... I feel a mixture of both synchronous and asynchronous learning will provide me with a mix of connections and online module opportunities. I chose this artefact because, during my module creation, I was able to make sure that:

  1. All students can succeed.

  2. Each student has his or her unique pattern of learning.

  3. Classroom teachers are the key educators for a student's literacy and numeracy development

MDDE 612 - Experiential Learning - In this course and upon my reflection, I was finding through fault of my own that I did not reflect on my learning enough. “Learning is a holistic process of adaptation to the world” (Kolb et al, 2014 Pg. 9) is an integrated functioning of the whole person where thinking, feeling, perceiving and behaving should be part of your reflection process. I chose this artefact because this course offered me a chance to put background knowledge of the curriculum into fruition.

MDDE 622 - Openness in Education - For this course and as I continued my studies, understanding OER (Open Education Resources) allowed me to promote personalized learning experiences, and have more control over my learning. This included self-paced learning, including choosing my topics of interest (i.e. Jasper and Banff for Assignment #1), and setting my own learning goals as I went through the course.

MDDE 631 - Inclusive Leadership & Practice in Education - This was truly my favourite course! This was all about collaboration on a final group project! And upon investigating different leadership theories I was drawn to emergent leadership. As a group member, within an education organization, I see a need for direction, therefore, my leadership style allows me the confidence and knowledge to step up for a specific task. For example, there is always a need to support many activities within our school walls. (i.e., volleyball coach or organizing a school dance). Reflecting on my style allowed me to be valuable, and dynamic in an ever-changing school environment where the ability to lead by example, adapt, and collaborate is essential for success.



Urvi Popat
14 May 2024, 11:19 AM

Hi Laura,

Congratulations on reaching the final stages of your Master of Education in Open, Digital, and Distance Education program! Your reflections on your personal experiences, particularly the loss of your friend to brain cancer, resonate deeply. Your journey toward completing your master's is truly inspiring.


Points to be considered:

  1.  It would be helpful to provide some insight into the reasoning behind your selection of five specific artifacts.
  2. Consider adding a period at the end of the sentence. Throughout my Masters (MDDE), collaborating with others toward common objectives formed positive educational communities.
  3. I noticed a small typo in your sentence. When I ventured into education, 'equity and inclusion' played a major role in shaping my approach as an educator.

            This revision removes the repetition of "my role" while still conveying the intended meaning.

             "Home will always be where ever we are". Thank you for sharing such a touching sentiment.

            Great work!

17 May 2024, 9:34 AM

Thank you Urvi! I have and am still working on your recommendations for my portfolio. Thank you for your insight!

20 May 2024, 4:08 AM


Hello Laura, (Do you prefer Lola?)

I lived in the Sundridge/Burks Falls area for over 20 years and worked for the NNDSB as a high school teacher. I moved to NS, my place of origin, about 5 years ago. I love Huntsville; we probably know some of the same folks. LOL

Your introduction has an excellent start, and I enjoyed the visuals. You can remove the text under your photo by going to your files, editing the image, and moving the toggle to no.

Also, I have a few minor suggestions. By this quote, do you mean that your daughter is taking her psychology degree at AU and you decided to join her? "I chose Athabasca University for my Master's because my daughter is completing her Psychology degree and she is loving it!" If so, can you explain why she chose AU and what drew you to this specific program?

You will also need to provide a section on what your initial learning goals were when you started the program, as we will be returning to them in the conclusion. This will need to be directly stated. It seems they are sort of mentioned in your rhetorical questions in your Goals in Leadership sections. Also, as Urvi mentioned, there are a few small typos throughout.

Amazing start to a great finish! 


21 May 2024, 6:10 AM

Thank you, Bonnie. I will go over my Intro and fix the required areas! And yes my daughter started at AU and the flexibility of courses offered online became something I could also do because I was still working full time.  I will also add the Learning Goals section. Thank you for the tip about removing the text underneath. Also, is there a way to change the font colour? OR can I do that on a document and cut and paste?

Also, Lola was a nickname for me since I was 5 years old. So Lola or Laura is fine!

Burks Falls? That is so close! Perhaps you may know Rick Stahlbaum and his wife Laurie? He worked with my husband for years in Hydro. Now he helps run the legion in Burks Falls. Such a small world regardless.

Thanks again


Urvi Popat
22 May 2024, 7:30 AM

Hi Laura,

Your goal to travel and teach in an online post-secondary environment is particularly inspiring and highlights the flexibility and broad reach of distance education. I can see that you’ve effectively addressed the typo errors. The inclusion of personal reflections, well-defined learning goals, and the chosen artifacts is reflecting beautifully in your introduction.


Great work!

22 May 2024, 5:56 PM

Hello Laura, 

You have done a lovely job on your introduction, and it is complete. 


Paul Douglas-Walfall
25 May 2024, 4:18 PM

Hi Laura

Thanks for your introduction. I sense from it that you are dedicated to education, 
