Artefact # 4 - MDDE 622 - Open Educational Resources

MDDE 622 - Openness in Education


My Concept Map


I chose this course because I wanted to provide alternate ways to explore and investigate a variety of learning materials to emphasize "learners choice" to each student. Open Educational Resources are teaching materials that are accessible and free to all users. When I started this assignment, I began to make the connection between UDL (Universal Design of Learning) and OER. UDL gave me multiple ways to display material such as digital or audio text which allows the student multiple ways to comprehend and learn. UDL also provided ways to engage and motivate students such as providing different assignment options, showing their understanding through art expression, or poster visuals to enhance their learning. I realized that Open Education Resources and Universal Design of Learning work well together. UDL is about using technology in curriculum design to reduce learning barriers and OER uses tools to provide the flexibility to use multiple formats to give students choice to support learning through engaging content.

The first assignment for my artefact was my Concept Map, (See above). I wanted to display my understanding of openness in an educational context. I was able to broaden and explore different resources that I was not familiar with such as Twitter and OER Commons. My goal for my Concept Map using Canvas was to produce a visually pleasing presentation that I could post on Twitter. I had to present my understanding of OER and pedagogy, licensing and content protection while using OER. It also allowed me to explore different alternatives such as CC Commons Website where I could freely and openly use content images for my presentations.


Through my research of Open Educational Resources (OER), I have found that OER offers me a valuable learning tool that is both accessible and available, making education easily accessible to my students. It has enabled me to promote inclusivity by allowing me to use and customize lessons and units without requiring students to purchase textbooks or other learning materials.

For example, I wanted to create an inclusive and engaging lesson on the topic of heat. I used Open Educational Resources (OER) to customize my lesson plan to accommodate my diverse learning needs in my classroom. I use a "flipped classroom"approach by posting a video (Khan Academy) the night before as homework before starting a new unit. At the beginning of the class we discuss the video and real-world examples, in this case: heat transfer (e.g., conduction, radiation, convection). I then divide students into small groups and assign each group a different method of heat transfer (conduction, convection, radiation). They log onto Phet and each group is provided with an interactive simulation to explore and a worksheet to guide their investigation. We then have a large group discussion about what they learned and how it applies to everyday life. To solidify learning they would begin a group project picking 1 of the 3 heat elements. 

During unit creation of different unit lesson plans, I found the  Creative Commons website extremely helpful for resources such as overlaying music, video and images. As I moved through the the assignments, OER was easy to update materials as needed to the latest curriculum changes. It allowed me the freedom to choose and adapt materials in my Geography unit that best suit their teaching methods and students' needs.

Perhaps a challenge with OER would be that at times, it lacked the social interaction, and collaborative learning that face to face learning can offer, which provides a physical presence that enhances student engagement through eye contact, body language, and immediate feedback. With 21st century technology and OER, it is key my me to continue to foster digital citizenship, working with the students to guide them in a direction where technologically is useful in so many ways. The creation of this technological culture takes time and effort (5.6). It is a world in which we have to continue to enhance social and collaborative ways to immerse media into real world hands on experiences.


Program Competencies

1. Problem Solving, Analysis, and Decision Making

  • 1.1    Recognize problems
  • 1.2    Define the aspects of the problem
  • 1.4    Find and access information
  • 1.5    Critically evaluate the relevance of information for a given situation
  • 1.8    Justify these solutions
  • 1.9    Present them to others
  • 1.10  Recognize the wider implications of specific knowledge
  • 1.11  Adapt solutions to suit varied situations

2. Instructional Design and Development

  • 2.4   Describe the activities of the instructional design process and the advantages and disadvantages of using them in distance education contexts
  • 2.5   Develop instructional products or learning objects in distance education
  • 2.7   Apply instructional design principles and models in distance education, in your workplace, or in other instructional contexts

3. Communication Technologies and Networking

  • 3.1    Use a variety of communication and document-sharing tools to create, reflect, and communicate with others

4. Communication and Interpersonal Skills

  • 4.1    Write clearly and in a style appropriate to purpose (e.g., assignments, essays, published documents, and theses)
  • 4.2    Construct coherent arguments and articulate ideas clearly to a range of audiences, formally and informally, through a variety of techniques and media
  • 4.3    Justify and defend your ideas orally and in writing in meetings, forums, seminars, exams and other contexts
  • 4.4   Support the learning of others when involved in teaching, mentoring, moderating, collaboration or demonstration activities
  • 4.7   Work collaboratively with diverse groups and individuals both within the university and/or in the workplace

5. Research

  • 5.4   Critically review literature both broadly and in-depth
  • 5.6   Summarize and synthesize information with a view to pursuing deeper understanding
  • 5.10. Demonstrate the use of communications and other technology-based research tools

Reflection #1 - Concept Map

When my Concept Map was completed, I had to provide a 250 -500 word document that detailed my experience of this learning process using Canvas (4.1). While developing this map, this assignment also has allowed me to use different alternatives with copyright and restricted software such as Canva where it was able to support the integration and distribution of OER. It enabled me to  manage and deliver open educational content effectively for this project. (4.2). For me, these alternatives promoted open access, collaboration, and sharing with other members of my group. A driving question for our reflection piece was: "Where and how does this map show the learning and connections made throughout this course?" 

Understanding and navigating Creative Commons licenses in the creative commons website was a continued learning curve for me (1.1 1.2). I gained an understanding of how it affected the educational community, copyright issues and the legality behind it. Moving forward I will have to be more cautious using this as an educational resource. (i.e., Vectorstock images) (1.4). For example, using Vectorstock has made me think about the way I gather, use, and distribute information (1.9). I actually used a Vectorstock image that I downloaded for my assignment and then realized that it was an image in which was not open for "free" use, as I needed to purchase this image before using it (1.5).  There is a very fine line and definite “GREY AREA” when using images for example. I had to really be careful and I had to be more aware of licensing and usage restrictions if I planned to use them for educational purposes. I basically put myself in a “Copyright Infringement Risk” (2.4).  I unintentionally violated licensing agreements by using Vectorstock images inappropriately. It is  crucial (and a lesson learned) that I must understand the licensing terms and use images accordingly. As I assumed, downloading the “free” image does not necessarily mean “free” to use as I wish. A very humbling moment for me.

Developing this map, step by step, allowed me to become more aware of OER and its potential benefits.  OER can have many benefits that can align with our curriculum and learning objectives. It allowed me to adapt, customize and modify resources. From a students perspective, it allows for participation, self advocacy and confidence building. This course and learning about Open Educational Resources (OER) has brought me into some important stages and considerations throughout my journey. My concept map shows different stages in each week of the course (Week 1 - Week 10) and how I have linked my understanding.

The connections I have made from start to finish are outlined clearly, are categorized and clearly defined of my learning within the process (1.8). OER is fluid and always evolving, with new resources and technology developments. As an educator, I must continue to be ready to continually evolve and learn in the field (1.10). It involves a commitment to continue to improve our own practices within the field of education (5.6). Developing the concept map allowed me to understand that I could make use of online resources and the benefits of the 5Rs of openness that permits a "no cost access" to retain, reuse, remix, revise, and redistribute materials (3.1).

OER Commons Unit

Learning Reflection #2 - OER Commons

Another important tool I was introduced to was OER Commons. In this assignment #2, we had to select an area of interest, (i.e., Geography) and produce a learning module (mini-unit) that was entirely of open educational resources (2.5). Part of this project was to critically review and use pertinent information for building this Geography unit. It had to include various activities, videos and texts (5.4). After the creation of the unit was complete I had to provide a short description (250-500 words) that reflected on using OER Commons, including any issues challenges or insights.

In this continual process of developing this unit, I was able to receive constant feedback from my colleagues. I had the opportunity to closely work with other members of my group and as we worked on our own projects we were also working in a collaborative setting. We offered suggestions on how to improve their work as well as accepting feedback constructively to take suggestions on improving our own (4.4 4.7). Examples of feedback included, breaking down my longer sentences into shorter more manageable ones. I was asked to provide bullet points to highlight important information so it became easier to read and follow.

This project weighed heavily on collaborative group feedback. When reflecting about my process in creating this assignment, my one colleague and I (which we are still touch with today) worked very well together. We both have very busy lives and we decided our best form of communication was on Whatsapp (5.10). Working together in a group for a Master's degree program can be challenging, but I was thankful I had a good partner and that we both understand life, at times, gets in the way (i.e.,  time management learning curve).

I have been in situations in the past where I have taken on the brunt of an assignment in order to support my other group members which for one reason or another were not able to do their part of the work. This thankfully was not so in this case. I was still able to establish online learning communities with my group members that also allowed me to support my interpersonal communicative skills (4.0).

Collaboration in an online learning environment can be challenging. All group members from the beginning need to understand their roles and what is expected of them. To avoid issues it is important to assign tasks clearly and set deadlines to keep everyone accountable for their portion of their work. Some of the challenges may be that there may be colleagues that are not engaged and motivated in an online environment. This is where you may have to step up and do majority of the work. We needed to make sure we set clear communication guidelines and expectations for response times as this can be a challenge when you are trying to combine synchronous (Google Meet) and asynchronous (emails) meetings.

I was very lucky! This collaborative process gave me a very positive experience with my team members. During this course, I tried to be open and clear when offering different and diverse perspectives to my group. It was important that I helped create a safe and respectful environment by using positive language when sharing my opinions. This lead to a very successful and collaborative group effort!

OER - What and Why?


04 July 2024, 6:18 AM

Hello Lola, in your introduction, watch out for lists. You need to define UDL and describe it (briefly). The focus of your introduction should be to state what two learning experiences you are going to focus on and why. Introductions should be short. You can save the good stuff for the body, where you can add examples and gain sub-competencies. 

Watch out for generalizations: Example.

OER promotes inclusivity because it is freely accessible, eliminating financial challenges that many students face when it comes to purchasing expensive textbooks and learning materials. This accessibility helps make education more affordable and inclusive. This is academic and very general in nature and is not about your learning experiences ). Critical reflection is not an academic style of writing but rather a narrative. See artifact two-recommendations). Limit quotes unless they are vital and relevant to your learning.





06 July 2024, 6:23 AM


Re-wrote my Intro, and changed generalization comments. Ready for editing/review

Thank you,


07 July 2024, 5:09 AM

Hello Laura, 

Again you have developed another interesting artifact. Here are areas for improvement.


You have started to compartmentalize your work by adding too much to all these sections. You do not need a rationalize for this artifact. Please integrate this into the body of your work. 

Through research of Open Educational resources my take aways of OER is that it offer me a valuable leaning tool that is accessible and available making education easily accessible to my students. It enabled me to promote inclusivity, because I could use and customize lesson and units without them having to purchase textbooks or learning materials. Remember the following text:

This is a significant idea. You need to break it down and analyze it. Provide definitions and specific examples for each concept, and then compare them. After that, you can establish your criteria for selecting the learning tools, products, or learning objects you've learned.

This artifact offers a strong framework for developing your ideas with specific examples, relevance, and analysis while integrating your learning opportunities. Currently, it serves as a summary of actions. Please take into account my previous advice and delve into each paragraph, adding definitions where necessary. Provide specific examples, explain their relevance (why they are important), discuss what you learned from them, and demonstrate how you applied that learning in some way.

You will also need to edit it.

Good start




08 July 2024, 6:05 AM

Hi Bonnie,

Thank you I am working through these last Artefacts simultaneously. Can you clarify what you mean by "lists" I do not do bull point anymore or dot jot. I am trying to re read to see how I can be more specific. Thank you for your patience LAURA

Urvi Popat
08 July 2024, 4:52 AM

Hi Laura,

 Your journey with MDDE 622 - Open Educational Resources is truly inspiring. Few suggestions are,

 I chose this course because I wanted to provide alternate ways to explore and investigate different options of learning materials to emphasize learners choice to each student. Open Educational resources are teaching, learning, materials that are accessible and free to all users. When I started this assignment I began to make the connection between UDL and OER. What was the most significant impact of using OER on your students' learning experience?

 Through my research of Open Educational Resources (OER), I have found that OER offers me a valuable learning tool that is both accessible and available, making education easily accessible to my students. It has enabled me to promote inclusivity by allowing me to use and customize lessons and units without requiring students to purchase textbooks or other learning materials. How did the process of creating a concept map help you understand the principles of OER better?

 Perhaps a challenge with OER would be that at times, it lacked the social interaction, and collaborative learning that face to face learning can offer. You mentioned that OER can sometimes lack the social interaction and collaborative learning found in face-to-face settings. How do you address this challenge in your teaching?

 It’s great to see how effectively you worked with your colleagues and the positive outcomes of these collaborations. I enjoyed reading it.


Laura, Great work



10 July 2024, 6:38 AM
11 July 2024, 6:50 AM

Hello Laura, 

Your revisions are very well done. I have one area for improvement in your collaboration work. 

We offered suggestions on improving their work and accepted constructive feedback to take suggestions on improving our own (4.4 4.7). Can you provide specific examples of the type of feedback that you received? How did that impact your work? How did that affect what you knew regarding collaboration? What did you learn from it?

This paragraph is very vague. Are you discussing long-term relationships gained from an online environment? If so, what does this reflect about online learning and the collaboration process? To be honest, I am not sure what your focus is. It is an interesting idea to explore the pros and cons of collaboration in online learning, but you will need to reorganize this paragraph, starting with the and making sure to give specific examples of each.

This project weighed heavily on collaborative group feedback. When reflecting about my process in creating this assignment, my one colleague and I (which we are still touch with today) worked very well together. We both have very busy lives and we decided our best form of communication was on Whatsapp (5.10). Working together in a group for a master's degree program can be challenging, but I was thankful I had a good partner and that we both understand life, at times, gets in the way (i.e.,  time management learning curve). I have been in situations in the past where I have taken on the brunt of an assignment in order to support my other group members which for one reason or another were not able to do their part of the work. This thankfully was not so in this case. I was still able to establish online learning communities with my group members that also allowed me to support my interpersonal communicative skills (4.0).

You are very close to completing this artifact.


11 July 2024, 11:13 AM

Artefact #4 revisions have been made :)


13 July 2024, 4:03 AM

Well done, artifact 4 is complete.
