Collection: e-Portfolio

Artefact # 1 - Critical Review of an article.

My choice

For my first artefact I chose the first assignment containing a critical review of a paper about workplace learning.

MDDE601is concerned with the distance, introducing distance education focussing on different locations and times. The first artefact is assignment 1 about workplace learning at a distance. Search skills and review skills are getting trained.

To do this assignment, I first had to search adequate and credible sources to find an article of interest. Next I summarized the paper’s content and analyzed its strengths and weaknesses. I considered questions like the following: How well is the paper written? Is it of interest and merit for the practice of distance education?


Artefact # 1 – Critical Review

Assignment 1 of MDDE 601 Introduction to Distance Education and Training


MDDE 601 Introduction to Distance Education and Training was the first course I took in the M.Ed. (Distance Education) program. The course contains skill building activities with regard to scholarly writing, library research, and reflective review creation.


  • 1.1 Recognize problems
  • 1.4 Find and access information
  • 1.5 Critically evaluate the relevance of information for a given situation
  • 1.6 Compare alternatives using critical analysis
  • 1.7 Make reasoned arguments using critical reflection, leading to rational solutions
  • 1.10 Recognize the wider implications of specific knowledge
  • 4.1 Write clearly and in a style appropriate to purpose (e.g. assignments, essays, published documents, and theses)


Abstract of the article from Linehan and Sheridan:


– The purpose of this research is to ascertain data in relation to courses that are currently on offer in seven third‐level institutions in Ireland which include elements of workplace learning. It is intended that the research findings will contribute to the provision of new workplace learning programmes in Irish third‐level colleges.


– A questionnaire was designed for this research and was administered in seven higher education colleges in Ireland. In total, 433 courses were examined in relation to workplace learning.


– The findings illustrate that there is still an over‐reliance on the provision of traditional classroom‐based courses. The findings further suggest that, for the successful operation of workplace learning programmes, there is scope for developing further employer engagement with higher education colleges in the design, development and delivery of such programmes.

Practical implications

– As a result of the data collected for this research, recommendations for implementing workplace learning programmes for both third‐level education providers and employers are included here.


– The paper provides value by identifying courses in Irish third‐level colleges which include elements of workplace learning and suggests that an attitudinal and cultural shift must be engaged with to overcome the traditional reliance on classroom‐based programmes in order to successfully develop new workplace learning programmes.


Critical review reflection

I first had to find a suitable paper to review. This required search skills and the ability to recognize a problem (1.1, 1.4). The problem was to review an article of merit for the field of distance education that also was already widely recognized. To find a credible piece of work I searched the data bases of the Athabasca University Library to look for an article of my interest in adult and distance learning. Under the topic ‘Journal titles’ I found the “Journal of workplace learning” at ProQuest. In this way there I found an article about “Workplace learning in collaboration with Irish third-level colleges” by Linehan and Sheridan. The topic was especially important to me as my focus lies on adult education on one hand but on the other hand there are hurdles to take like family and shift work. Shift workers need to do classes at their own pace and place, whenever time and family allows for it. Furthermore, those students dropping out of school early might look for opportunities to fix that.


Next I had to evaluate whether the paper was in the right context concerning the field and relevance to the given task (1.5) regarding the review of an article in education. The article “Workplace learning courses in Irish third-level colleges” was a perfect match. The paper states that seven higher education institutions are involved in education for the workplace. When employees take classes from which their company would benefit from, and they are created by a college or university and not by the employer, it would be comparable with distance education as well as with face to face education. Again, shift work as often a part of a job, is addressed.


My careful consideration led me to choose an article in the context of education and also of correspondence course learning. Then I had to look at other papers in order to confirm or refute the findings of my selected article (1.6). Moreover I have been interested in distance education especially regarding adult education. Often people drop out of school too early and later regret they did. Also work and family are hindrances to complete what once was started. There has to be a chance to do learning on one’s own to catch up with the presence (1.7). Actually, besides distance education there is no other chance to learn then by using it independent from the institution and work.


The article itself recognized wider implications of specific knowledge as classes should be created by making allowance for prior knowledge (1.10). To review this article I also needed prior knowledge which only partly comes in by a bachelor degree in business administration yet distance education at this point of writing the first assignment is just a beginning.


Finally, I wrote the review (4.1). The APA style (American Psychological Association) was new to me as in the undergraduate studies MLA (Modern Language Association) was the mainly used style. The review was asking as given by the course for:

  • Effective writing and organization
  • Importance of the topic or issue
  • Supportive evidence
  • Relevance to the field of distance education.

The course MDDE601 is well designed and therefore was a big help to create this review. Yet the first assignment considering the task was also a step stone on the way to the aimed degree in the way of preparing for following papers.


Something about the original article

An abstract at the left briefly shows what the authors intended to write about, a paper that deals with adult education with a view on “skill shortages continuing to threaten Ireland’s economic prospects”. A need of “workplace learning programmes” has to be answered.

Seven higher education institutions were picked because they are already members of a Strategic Innovation Fund project sponsored by the Irish government in 2006. There were 433 courses checked.

Linehan and Sheridan conclude, supported by the results of the research that third-level institutions have to become more active regarding workplace learning courses and also have to include employers and employees. Finally also distance learning and its tools are seen as a very usable instrument in the amalgamation of education and workplace. While the article surprisingly mentions it here at first, for myself it is crystal clear that, if third-level institutions offer preponderant in-class courses, those have to satisfy the need of the working people, often involved in shift work and therefore not able to attend classes.

When the content of work changes, courses have to change as well; and institutions need to keep the courses up-to-date, to avoid becoming outdated.

This article recognizes the missing of a particular qualification offer which also could be complemented by the use of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) as not every learner starts at the same starting point. The authors conclude their article with the comment that a paradigm shift has to occur to become just to the ever-changing workplace in the twenty-first century.


What have I learned about critical reading

In the undergraduate program reading was limited to knowing the content. Once I made a comment on the argument of an article. Prompt I got a note from the instructor that he did not want to know my opinion but rather my knowledge. Also I was reprimanded that any comment is reserved for graduates already holding a degree.


Keeping my opinion by me suddenly got challenged when I entered the master of education program because now I was asked for my opinion in addition to knowledge of a matter. Altercating one with an argument or allegation newly gets a very new meaning. Everything I hear or read has to be taken apart critically to make a profound statement. Statements are essential to contribute to a theme or field of science.


Ever since every book, article, or theme to be dealt with appears in another light. But being prepared this way paves the way for the whole graduate program. The readings in the program were almost endless, and understand and even dispute them needed a well-grounded preparation. This first assignment, even the whole first course, laid the foundation for a successful study program.


There is one disadvantage left: altercation with theories and books can lead one in the wrong direction. It is not that an opinion could be wrong; it is rather that a theory does not work in practice. At least the practice needs to be known very well to adapt a theory to it by some necessary changes.



Linehan, M., & Sheridan, I. (2009). "Workplace learning courses in Irish third‐level colleges",

      Journal of Workplace Learning, Vol. 21 Iss: 6, pp.496 - 504. DOI


Susan Moisey
09 November 2016, 1:36 PM


This is a good start on the Reflection on the first assignment in 601 on critical reading.  However, the last two paragraphs really don't have anything to do with what you learned from doing this assignment -- i.e., critically reading the selected article on workplace learning. I suggest you delete them.

Rather, I suggest that you conclude the Reflection by talking about what you learned about critical reading in general. You had to read many more articles as you went through the M.Ed. program, so what did you take away from this first assignment that you could apply throughout your studies?

Also, please provide the proper bibliographic citation (in APA) for Workplace learning in collaboration with Irish third-level colleges” by Linehan and Sheridan.

When you have made these revisions, please let me know so I can review it again.


Susan Moisey
15 November 2016, 4:43 PM


This version is better because you are just focusing on one thing -- the critical reflection on the first reading you chose in MDDE 601 and how it influenced your critical reading throughout the M.Ed. program. But you need to express yourself more clearly. For example, your description of what the Linehan and Sheridan article said was not clear to me. What did the article study, what were its findings? As for your critical review, what did you conclude about the adequacy of the methodology? Were the results well supported?  How did the article contribute to your understanding of distance education and workplace learning? These questions and others are the kinds of things a person thinks about when critically reading an article.

Also, the reference is not in APA format.


Debra Hoven
02 May 2017, 6:28 PM

Hi Eberhard,

I see you have responded to some of Dr Moisey's comments, but not all ...

Please go through this page and proof-read and edit - or maybe find a native English speaker to read it for you ...

There are numerous places where you have misused a word or mis-spelled that need to be corrected. For example: "Furthermore, those students dropping out of school to early might look for opportunities to repair that." & "The review was asking as given by the course for:" - and many others.

It would be good to enlarge the font of this part of your title: "Critical Review of an article." and move it up to beside #1 at the very top of your page as this is really what your artefact is about.

I'm afraid that I cannot understand what you are trying to say at all in your second paragraph, where you describe the article you reviewed.

This page still needs considerable work as you seem to be describing much more what you did than reflecting on how you made the choices of strategies to use and how you thought through the process.

Please comment here in the Comments box and send me a message in the MDDE694 Moodle course when you have revised, refined and elaborated on this page - as well as responding to Susan's and my comments and proof-reading.



Eberhard Mann
24 May 2017, 7:59 AM

Dear Debra,


Although critique helps improving abilities I am tired of reading this for several reasons:

First, I am not the only one who is making mistakes in writing but I have not criticised others as it is important only when one wants to publish an article, then lectors are available. Others also have not been criticised like me, which is discrimination. Also, negative critique has to be done amongst four eyes, not publicly. This way I am pretty much disgraced and feel very insulted.

Constructive critique would do a better job, just show as done in some examples the glitches but also how to fix them.

Second, another professor whose name can be given if necessary would call you lying by the statement: “Eberhard, you are a very good writer”. A manager at ACS in Prince George told me that, if people say they do not understand me they just do not want to. Sometimes it needs an open mind to understand.

Third, please consider this:

I did my college diploma at the College of New Caledonia in Prince George, B. C.

I did my bachelor degree at AU and here something weird happened; at the final class ADMN404 three assignments were to do. The first, worth 20%, was proof-read by a friendly professor of UNBC PG come out with a C+. The second, worth 30%, was done all by myself came out with an A, the third, worth 50%, also done by myself came out with an A-. The all over grade was an A- and it shows that my English cannot be that bad as your critique makes one believe.

I did my graduate diploma at AU as well, the GPA was 3.33 and after having finished the whole program before the capstone project, the whole master program GPA is 3.42 and it is said that doing it in another language is 0.5 points lower than in the own language.

Last, the AU admits people in a course of studies after English proficiency is given. The requirements are at a level of about 80%. How could a student work on a 100% level?

Public school ended for me 1971, 46 years ago, in August I turn 64. In Japan older age is especially respected and should be so in the whole world.

The master program consisting of 11 courses asks for grade B in six core courses with the exception of one B-. The other five courses allow for a B- with the exception of one C+. I would be pleased to pass with a C+ just to get it done. My GPA would still be 3.32.

Susan Moisey
24 May 2017, 12:15 PM


It is essential that the graduates of the M.Ed. (Distance Education) program be able to express themselves in a way that reflects their masters-level education.  Given the online nature of DE these days, it is also necessary to be able to create an attractive properly formatted page.  So these are two of the things we focus on in MDDE694. As a professional distance educator, you need to be able to express yourself clearly to a variety of audiences.  The capstone e-portfolio is one way that we ensure that students have this ability.  It is appropriate for students to seek outside help (e.g., from an editor, or the WRITE site) to assist them to meet this standard.

I hope you do not feel singled out. Many students in the class are receiving feedback related to their English writing skills and/or page formatting and are required to revise in order to attain the standard required.


Susan Moisey
26 May 2017, 5:25 PM


I am starting to understand what you are trying to say in this artefact and reflection. Some parts are understandable, while other parts do not. So the reflection still needs work. I know you are frustrated and I'm not sure how best we can help you achieve the standard required for the e-portfolio.  Perhaps you could send me an e-mail with your suggestions.


02 June 2017, 2:17 AM