Collection: e-Portfolio

An Introduction

Who I am, my classes and the competencies.




All beginning is hard (a German saying). With that in mind my introduction is supposed to introduce five artefacts on highlights in the master program studies. The introduction will consist of four parts: who I am, learning goals, the description of the portfolio, my classes and the competencies going along with gained new knowledge.


Who am I

I am in my last class in the MEd program. As a step in between I took the PBDDET after a BMgmt. This said it seems I am the only one without prior teaching experience as I worked after a German non-academic bachelor in industrial commerce in a savings and loan bank although my profession was thought for the industry by the means of creating things like cars or furniture and so on.

In the bank I worked in accounting/bookkeeping, floater in diverse fields of customer service, IT, market research, audit, and personal loans. Of course, as a specialist in some fields I also had to train colleagues.

Somewhere in between I took courses for the German equivalent of an MCSE which might give me some advantage for my choice of the technology path.

In Canada I worked in a call center, a first choice school for first nations, and also in a kind of a saw mill at the hopper to balance my bank account. Since discrimination is an issue for older workers I also could not yet settle but found that best chances are in the field of education. Let’s see whether this is true.

My still first marriage is already lasting over 33 years and my son, who started his master program later than I, is already working in education as teacher although he is a bachelor in politics and English and a master in politics, business administration, law, and last not least philosophy, that all in arts with no teacher certification at all.

While I am fighting through the last course I am visiting my family in Germany for a couple of months.

Although I have first to get into the theme of creating an ePortfolio, I am looking forward to working with you. As Craig put it, please correct me when I mess up, as English is my second language.

Learning goals

When I immigrated to Canada there were problems with the recognition of my German formal education. But before redoing an apprenticeship I did in Germany I decided to top it by studying the subject I did before as a vocational training.

Next I found myself talking to a college dean for enrolling into a management program. It would cover earlier already gained knowledge on a higher level. After getting the college diploma I applied at the Athabasca University to transfer my diploma into a bachelor degree program, the Bachelor of Management.

As I had finished the program I tried to find work which was quite a challenge. Nothing happened and I found myself back at AU enrolled into a master program. Three possible programs were the Master of Arts integrated studies, the Master of Education, and the Master of Business Administration.

Although I like a wide diversification in studies, the Master of Arts integrated studies was to general. The Master of Business Administration was not a fit for my budget, so I finally arrived at the Master of Education program to go for.

While I worked for a savings and loan association at the headquarter I learned that they had an own training and teaching center. The apprentices became trained by the own training center as well as in a vocational school and I was interested to become part of it as in the past I had helped several apprentices to pass their program. This spurred me and my decision for the MEd program. Another aspect was a wider field of knowledge. A first degree in business enhanced by a kind of a teacher degree should widen a possible field of working.

Additionally I have always been interested in adult education. Learning at a distance is sometimes the only way to study while working. Something else comes in, learning at an older age, especially learning beyond fifty as I started with fifty.

What I needed to know was how to create lessons, face to face and/or at a distance. The MEd program offers everything about distance education which also involves classical ways to look at and change into a feasible distance education format.

When I entered the MEd program my learning goals were:

  • Improving my English speaking skills
  • Improving my English writing skills
  • Expanding my reading by critical thinking
  • Learning how to effectively teach students
  • Learning how to prepare lessons at a distance
  • Understanding the goals of adult learners

Selected artefacts

Artefact # 1:

MDDE601is concerned with the distance, introducing distance education focussing on different locations and times. The first artefact is assignment 1 about workplace learning at a distance. Search skills and review skills are getting trained.

Artefact # 2:

MDDE602 is concerned with statistics and qualitative and quantitative methods to present findings, of course, after working the problem out first. The second artefact is assignment 1 about comparing methods, more exactly, research methods.

Artefact # 3:

MDDE603 introduces instructional design at a distance. Learning theories substantiate and support the practice. The third artefact is assignment 2 about combining theory with practice. Applying the learned is asked for.

Artefact # 4:

MDDE620 is defining technology with a focus on distance education. The fourth artefact is assignment 2 about technology, providing distance education. Competing technologies concerning transmission had to be examined.

Artefact # 5:

MDDE703 teaches proposal writing and delivers a procedure to be readable. Whether an education institution needs an update or a thesis or dissertation needs to be described for acceptance. The fifth artefact is about learning at 50+. In the first place I planned to write a thesis about learning at an older age but the University could not provide an authority for neuro-science and education bundled, so this is postponed to a dissertation.

The conclusion may recapitulate the course of studies and reflect on them. Results may or may not surprise, even myself.

My classes in the study course

TERM 201109 - MDDE601 - Introduction to Distance Education and Training

TERM 201201 - MDDE602 - Research Methods in Distance Education

TERM 201205 - MDDE603 - Foundations of Instructional Design: Systems Analysis and Learning Theory

TERM 201209 - MDDE604 - Instructional Design in Distance Education

TERM 201301 - MDDE605 - Planning and Management in Distance Education and Training

TERM 201305 - MDDE620 - Technology in Education and Training

TERM 201309 - MDDE621 - Online Teaching in Distance Education and Training

TERM 201401 - MDDE701 - Quantitative Research Methods

TERM 201505 - MDDE702 - Qualitative Research Methods

TERM 201505 - MDDE703 - Research Proposal Writing

TERM 201705 - MDDE694 - Capstone e-Portfolio Project


Susan Moisey
11 October 2016, 2:55 PM


You seem to have created a set of web pages rather than an e-portfolio in Mahara. It is simpler to create a Collection, consisting of several pages. To learn how to do this, you should view the videos included on the course web site as well as the two videos of the How to use Mahara that took placed in the first couple weeks of the course.

Do not list the competencies of the program on your Introduction. It is not necessary.  You should, however, list the Learning Goals you had when you started the program.

Please include a graphic element of some sort on this page. Do not use only text. For example, you could include a photo of yourself, where you live, your study, etc.

Please separate the various sections with titles.

It would be helpful for you to view some of the sample e-portfolios to get a better idea of what is expected.

Please revise this page and let me know so I can review it again,


Susan Moisey
03 November 2016, 7:48 PM


Please consider the order in which you are presenting information.  "Who am I" should come first.

Your section on Learning goals does not really say much about your learning goals, mostly it talks about why you chose the M.Ed. program. So, in addition to what you have already said, could you provide a list of some of the specific things you wanted to learn about when you entered the M.Ed. program?

The description (you stated the title twice - remove one of them) should have a different title. "Selected artefacts" would be a better title.

You seem to have very short paragraphs, and many consist of a single sentence. Please write using properly structured paragraphs.

Also, the single column format is difficult to read as the line length is so long. Can you try formatting this page using a two-column format, for example? Mahara makes this quite easy to do.

As this is an e-portfolio, you need to have some form of graphic on this page. A photograph of yourself or of something related to your studies would be welcome.

Please let me know when you have revised this page and I will check it again.


Susan Moisey
09 November 2016, 1:27 PM


This page is much improved. My only suggestion (other than to constantly try to improve your writing) is to move the brief Introduction to the top of the page, as this is where is logically belongs. You could probably delete it if you preferred to so that rather than move it.


Rita Zuba Prokopetz
16 May 2017, 7:25 PM

Hi Eberhard,

Thank you for your message. I am pleased that you have decided to continue working on your ePortfolio pages!

Eberhard, in your introductory page, you have included your learning goals, and your courses taken – nicely done! You may now add the semesters (dates) in which you took these courses.

You have also included the list of five artefacts you have chosen for your ‘collection' under “Selected artefacts,” and you described each of the artefacts – the description you wrote can actually be positioned in the introduction of each artefact page, ok? I second Dr. Moisey’s suggestion regarding “Selected Artefact” being a better title for this block, rather than “The description” – I welcome your thoughts here.  You may now add the rationale behind "why" you have chosen this group of five artefacts (for your presentation) as a group in a short paragraph, rather than separately.

I will wait until you place a comment here letting me know your thoughts on some of my suggestions, ok? I will then read the information thoroughly to see if I can be of any help with your “second goal” which is related to “writing skills” – I look forward to your reply.

Thanks, Eberhard!


Eberhard Mann
24 May 2017, 10:02 AM

Dear Rita,

thank you for your thoughtful ideas. The dates are added. The description has another title "Selected Artefacts" underneath it. As the page was proven by Susan I will leave it that way (never change a running system). Last change was moving the introduction to the top of the page. This page will do.


Rita Zuba Prokopetz
24 May 2017, 2:33 PM

Thank you, Eberhard!

Glad to see you are moving forward with your ePortfolio pages.

Great work!


Susan Moisey
26 May 2017, 5:06 PM


Some time has passed since I looked at this page and I see you made some changes.  I like that you added a photo of yourself, but it is too small for the page. The aim is to create a balanced looking page that is attractive and easy to follow.

My suggestion was to change the title "Description" to "Selected Artefacts."  You added "Selected Artefacts" as a second-level title under "Description," which doesn't really make sense.

The list of artefacts should list your artefacts, not your courses. For example,  Artefact 1 is the Assignment 1 from MDDE601.

I am not sure why you listed the competency areas in the bottom right hand corner, as it is not needed on this page.

If you look at the Requirements of the M.Ed (Distance Education) Capstone e-Portfolio, it says the following about the Introduction page:

"The Introduction provides context for your e-portfolio. Start by introducing yourself, and discuss why you chose to take the M.Ed. program. This should include your original learning goals from the beginning of the program. You should also list the courses you took in the program and when you took these - but NOT your grades. This is also the place to list the artefacts you have selected and your rationale for this selection, or why you chose them. Photos or other graphics help to personalize this and other of your pages."

If you do this, you will be done.


23 June 2017, 8:33 AM
Eberhard Mann
11 July 2017, 5:27 AM


Although the introduction page was okay after moving the brief Introduction to the top following your recommendation from the 9th November I changed still the other recommendations as follows:

Get the photographer bigger is done, hopefully it is okay now.

The second level title from "Selected Artefacts" is deleted and the title is changed.

The artefacts are listed in the order #1 to #5.


Clover Walker
18 April 2018, 11:49 PM
I took a home study course years priority and gives you the learning. The one thing you miss, however is the understudy to understudy collaboration that you would get from a standard classroom setting. So it with that kind, however you can do it whenever of the day or night when it is convenient for you to do and you may spare gas at the pump as opposed to making that trek to the school frequently unless of course that you live extremely close like on the grounds.