Profile Information
- First name: Jason
- Last name: Kerr
- Town: London
- City/region: Ontario
- Country: Canada
- Email address:
About Me
Currently I am a Program Consultant with Continuing Education at Fanshawe College where I provide support and guidance to CE faculty and students.
I am pursuing my Masters in Education in Distance Education in order to better understand instructional design in relation to distance education. In turn, I intend to develop knowledge to better equip our own faculty members for the facilitation of online courses.
This portfolio will outline my ideas and opinions as I travel on this journey, starting with MDDE 610, Introduction to Distance Technologies.
Jason Kerr's groups
Why MDDE 610?
When choosing programs courses, there are the usual list of compulsory and electives that are your options. However, what I found is that this is the first time that my learning is directly related to my employment and career.
As such, I've taken great pleasure in creating a course path that aligned with perceived gaps in my skill set. In the past couple of years, I've focused on instructional design so I can better assist our part time faculty. As I worked through these courses, it was decided that I needed to expand my knowledge outside of the institutional technology I was so accustomed- Desire2Learn, Outlook, Elluminate and Servers.
The decision to enroll in MDDE 610 was in hopes to expose myself to alternate technologies to develop current knowledge and identify trends that I can translate to my career and workplace.
Jason Kerr's wall
- 08 April 2014, 2:08 PM Debra Hoven
- 08 November 2011, 1:51 PM Jason Kerr
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The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning ( is a refereed, open access e-journal that disseminates original research, theory, and best practice in open and distributed learning worldwide. IRRODL is available free-of-charge to anyone with access to the Internet, and there are no article submission or access charges for publication in this open journal.
The Journal targets both researchers and practitionares of open and distance education systems. It thus aims to improve the quality of basic and applied research while also addressing the need for this knowledge to be translated into polices and activities that improve educational opportunity for students and teachers.
Predicting Online Learners’ Performance Through Ontologies: A Systematic Literature Review
Predicting Online Learners’ Performance Through Ontologies: A Systematic Literature Review
- Published on 25 February 2025, 1:00 AM -
The Impact of Switching Intention of Teachers’ Online Teaching in the COVID-19 Era: The Perspective of Push-Pull-Mooring
The Impact of Switching Intention of Teachers’ Online Teaching in the COVID-19 Era: The Perspective of Push-Pull-Mooring
- Published on 25 February 2025, 1:00 AM