Collection: Paul Benson's E-portfolio


My learning goals – revisited

On entry to the program, my initial goals were to:

  • Develop skills and knowledge to create effective, attractive, and compelling online learning objects.
  • Learn more about how to meet the learning needs of adults in a responsive, supportive, and respectful way.
  • Gain a recognized credential that would reflect my development as an adult educator.

In reaching this final stage in the program, I find that my first goal was very lofty, and has only been partially met – I have gained significant knowledge on what it takes to develop online learning objects, but I am just at the beginning of developing skills in this area. I have been given great guidance, but only by practising this set of skills will I attain proficiency. ISD is an evolving area and, if I am going to do this kind of work, I will need to study more and practice more (as I discussed in my reflection on Artefact Three). Nevertheless, I am extremely pleased at what I learned from MDDE 604.

My second learning goal has been met in an abundance of ways beyond my expectations, however there is always more that I need to learn. I have changed over the years, I have a new vision now for my future. From my learnings in the program, I have identified learning needs related to being effective as a facilitator of emancipatory learning (helping others to see possibilities for meeting their goals that they may not have considered).

I now consider that I have received both a grounding and excellent direction – but there is always more work up ahead. This is work that I must now do in order to evolve my “paradigm of teaching” and “paradigm of learning.” I believe that I am now well-equipped to take on this work.

Gaining a recognized credential is still important to me. However, it is just a springboard to what I do next. I hope that people will find me knowledgeable and helpful to them. I have no plans to seek a PhD, but I am looking for further learning which will make me more understanding of people’s situations, more effective as a helper, and able to determine where I am making assumptions that need verification before they can be the basis for more learning.

My unstated goal (and mostly unrecognized by me on entry to the program) was to invent a new and better me. The Masters in Education (Distance Education) program has enabled me to move forward from a rather dysfunctional life situation, to a new view of how I can use my voice and my abilities to achieve what I believe is my true life’s work. I feel a great sense of contentment, although I know that there is a lot still for me to do. I go forward into this new work with a feeling of excitement and a strong sense of purpose. The program has been instrumental in enabling me to make this transition. This has been truly transformational learning!

Coming this far…

Reaching a new high spot means that the view has changed in unexpected ways. Vistas ahead were never visible before, until this point. Now seeing so much more, it is apparent how much more there is yet to see.

There is so much to see up ahead, but this is also an important time for me to look back. I have travelled a considerable distance. I have met some wonderful people on the way. There have been difficulties, but always there was someone (or many helpers) to help smooth my way through the rough passages and encourage me that I would continue to make progress – albeit sometimes slow.

Now I am savouring the experiences within the M Ed program, even while I plan for more. Thanks to all those who have made this journey possible, and who encourage me to go ever forward.


Becoming me

I have discovered that I can take on many roles, but my journey now is to seek authenticity (the "real" me). There may be many missteps along the way, but if I can recognize what works and what does not, I believe that I can move forward with excitement, motivation, and hope in my future.

I have been significantly redesigning my life, and what I think “self-actualization” means to me, for many months now. I think this is some of my most important work. Through the program, and my experiences, I feel that I can be of significant service to others in the community in the next few years. I feel that this is work that I must attend to diligently while my health remains good.

We all have our own “life threads” to weave. I am grateful that you all have become part of my “tapestry” and I hope that we will be reconnecting again somewhere in the future.




Originally I believed that MDDE 694 would be a rather solitary experience; an inward-looking reflection based on my own musings. Instead, I discovered it was a wonderful sharing of life stories, personal beliefs, challenges, joys, and meaningful experiences in the program.

Everyone has contributed to my E portfolio, knowingly or unknowingly. Giving and receiving feedback has increased my understanding of problems faced, intense disappointments, and great successes – the roller coaster of life. I feel privileged to have experienced this with all of you – it has given me more insights and understanding of how much it has taken for each of you to reach this point.

I now see this course as the perfect way to complete the program and respect each step along the way. It is the "coda" to the symphony of experiences that we have encountered throughout the program. As one of the definitions below states, a coda is “something that serves to round out, conclude, or summarize and usually has its own interest.” (Merriam-Webster's online dictionary, n.d.). February 3, 2018.

I hope that you find my E portfolio interesting!

Two definitions of “coda”
“coda    noun
1 The concluding passage of a piece or movement, typically forming an addition to the basic structure.
‘the first movement ends with a fortissimo coda’
1.1 The concluding section of a dance, especially of a pas de deux or the finale of a ballet in which the dancers parade before the audience.
1.2 A concluding event, remark, or section.
‘his new novel is a kind of coda to his previous books’”
 (Oxford English dictionary online edition, n.d.). February 3, 2018

“Definition of coda
1 a : a concluding musical section that is formally distinct from the main structure
b : a concluding part of a literary or dramatic work
2 : something that serves to round out, conclude, or summarize and usually has its own interest”
(Merriam-Webster's online dictionary, n.d.). February 3, 2018.


In case I ever forget what it is that I should be doing, here are some directions from Nancy White that speak to me…

this video discusses various aspects of strengthening Communities of Practice (CoPs), mechanisms to measure their effectiveness, and endeavours to improve our understanding of how people are participating in them.

Nancy J. White
Full Circle Associates


Siobhan Cook
03 March 2018, 11:08 AM

Hi Paul, 

Your conclusion is beautifully written. I know that you have heard this from our peers in 694, but I want to reiterate that you have brought tremendous value to this learning experience for all of us. Your time, attention to details, and words of encouragement have not been lost on me, nor anyone else in the class. I only wish that I could have taken a course with you earlier :)

All the best with your next steps. Thank you for being such an inspiration! :)


Paul Benson
04 March 2018, 8:55 PM

Thanks Siobhan. It has been my pleasure to be involved in such an important exercise for all of us.

I am finding that I have learned so much from this experience and I do not want it to be over too soon (I do not mind if I am the last one to present)!

When we started this journey, I had no idea how rewarding it would be. And what good relationships could develop. Sharing deeply does make a big difference to the whole experience.

I appreciate you being there for me and look forward to talking with you more in the next few days and weeks. And – who knows – we may meet in other learning activities in the future!

All the best, Paul

Susan Moisey
11 March 2018, 11:33 PM


What a great way to close your e-portfolio! You have clearly put in a lot of thought and effort into your e-portfolio and it shows. An excellent job all around.


Lara Ripkens
14 March 2018, 9:49 PM

This is an excellent conclusion Paul - and unique compared to many of the others I have read through (in a good way!) . I especially like that you integrated the MDDE 694 course into your thoughts as well (also a unique touch!).  Like you I found that at this point I don't know as much as I hoped I would know and obtaining my M.Ed. has only prompted a desire for more learning.  I see no issues with the quality of writing.

Jane Downing
11 April 2018, 12:16 PM

Hi Paul.

The insight you share in "Becoming me" inspires me to seek authenticity as you do and to reflect on how I can redesign my own life to bring me closer to who I was meant to be in the first place.

You taught me much as we navigated challenging and uncertain waters together in our fledgling acting careers.

I wish you well in the next phase of your learning journey and will keep popping up in your life from time to time.

Best wishes.
