Collection: Candace Gartshore's e-Portfolio

Artifact 1- A Push In The Right Direction

by Candace

The first course that I took in my master's journey was MDDE 601- Introduction to Distance Education and Training, and I chose the first assignment in that course as Artifact 1. MDDE601 provided an introduction to learning at a distance. In addition to the content related to distance education, the course contained skill-building activities designed to prepare students for writing academic papers and successful completion of masters-level courses.

I chose this artifact because it was a pivotal learning moment for me in terms of how I needed to structure my time and how my writing was not as good as I had originally thought when starting my program. I was certain that I had successfully learnt how to write papers in my past post secondary experience and so this first paper should have been easy. I will show you how I was quickly awoken to the pressures that a Masters course holds and the level of writing that was expected went above and beyond what I originally thought. This artifact pushed my writing skills from minimal/unacceptable to a point where at the end of the program I have been transformed into a much better researcher, writer and referencer in terms of course projects and papers. 

Growing up I have never been very good at writing papers, being critical of my writing or supporting my writing with references. I have enjoyed writing reflections and journal entries because they did not require me to site or reference anyone but my opinion and myself.  All through high school, college and university I struggled with citations and paper organization, by the end of my bachelors program I had mastered, or so I thought, this skill and was excited to put it back to good use in the M.Ed program. Turned out that I was okay at the writing part but not so much at the referencing, organization or citations parts of writing a master’s level paper. I am proud of the improvements that I have made in paper writing throughout the M.Ed program.

When I read the course description I was a little worried because of all the information that was promised to be taught within the course.  The professor was going to teach us how Distance Education (DE) can be used in a variety of ways and over a variety of ages, Kindergarten to grade 12, adult education and workplace training. On top of that she was going to teach us how to research and use DE theories to support our positions when writing papers, this has never been my strong suit and I knew this would be the hardest part of the course for me. The goal at the end of the course was to be a proficient DE learner that would be able to balance personal, work and Masters (school) life as if I was in a face-to-face (F-2-F) classroom and having to attend classes on a weekly or biweekly basis depending on the complexity of the course.

The Assignment

The assignment required us to choose an article based on the first two units we were studying in 601; 1) Foundations of Distance Education, 2) Research and Evaluation in Distance Education. Using the AU digital library, along side our textbook readings, search to find more information on our selected topic of interest.

The second part of this assignment was to critically review the article and analyze it to identify its strengths and weaknesses in terms of the following criteria;

  • effective writing and organization;
  • importance of the topic or issue;
  • supportive evidence;
  • relevance to the field of distance education

With this criteria in mind I was able to structure the paper I was writing around these points. I thought that was a good way to organize my paper. As you will see there were many things that I thought I was good at before starting this course that turned out to be untrue and forced me to move forward and change my mindset, as well as, my learning environment at home.



My Ever Changing Environment

This course showed me that my environment and mindset needed to change in order to be successful with the courses I was taking. I had a support system in place and was encouraged daily, all I needed was to get my life organized to include this new and exciting adventure I was starting (6.5).




Article Selection Process

I spent a couple days trying to figure out how to use the keywords within the search engine database to find articles that would relate to our first two units. I started with writing sentences into the search engine and found that I was unable to find articles that were relevant as there was too many words within my search criteria. I emailed my professor to voice my concern and she suggested that I use keywords in the search and that fewer would be more effective. I explained to her how I was feeling and she suggested a couple of different article search terms I could use. This was very helpful and I found I was more successful in finding articles using words like; Distance Learning Foundations, Research in Distance Education and finally I came across the article by Moore (2014) that talked about how students feel secluded when learning online and how the course can combat that with simple changes to their course schedules and how the professor requires the students to interact with each other. I was immediately drawn to it and knew it was the article I needed to use for my paper.

Moore, R., (2014). Importance of Developing Community in Distance Education Courses. Techtrends: Linking Research & Practice to Improve Learning, 58(2), 20-24.

Why This Article Stood Out To Me

I chose to write on this particular article because I was unsure of how I felt about learning online and thought that I was going to miss out on all the opportunities to interact with my peers and professors that a F-2-F learning environment automatically came with. I was terrified that I would be bored and have no motivation to continue learning because of the lack of relationships I would build by learning through a distance platform. This article talked about my fears and explained how Forum postings and interacting through chat rooms linked to the Moodle pages would be one of many ways to enhance the DE learning environment. After reading the article I found myself exploring the forums and chat rooms provided by the site and through this made many lasting friendships that I kept through the entire M.Ed program, providing me with support and sounding boards through the rest of my classes(4.5),  and will continue to keep into the future.

The Feeling That At Any Moment It Could All Come Crashing Down

Note Taking

When I started this course I was very set in looking through paper copies of articles and textbooks. The university sent out textbooks for each course and then I would print off the articles so that I could flag and highlight the areas that I was wanting to address in the course assignments. This was a tedious process and I spent a lot of time searching for the quotes with in the articles as I was writing my papers. As my masters program evolved I found that I was printing hundreds of pages for each course and this made it very difficult to find areas that I wanted to use in my papers (1.1). A peer suggested that I use OneNote to organize any of my digital articles, this was much easier to find the references in because I could search for keywords using the search function on my computer minimizing the time I needed to spend finding the exact pages I wished to reference (1.4).

Time Management

I was mostly worried, as I said, about the paper writing but also about time management/motivation. I was now in my third year of teaching and had a solid course structure in place for my Film and Fashion Studies classes so I knew that I would have time to read but would the motivation be there for me.  I was very busy in my personal life volunteering with Big Brothers and Sisters of Calgary as a Big sister which required an hour a week of time to spend with my Little sister, I was involved with my church supporting their pioneer club for youth, running a fashion club at school once a week and coaching basketball and volleyball at school (seasons were not at the same time thankfully). So time management and life structure was going to have to come before the worry of writing papers (6.5).

Time management with my DE course was scary at first, especially with all the extracurricular activities that I had going on, but my professor was very supportive and gave us all many tips in the first week as to how we should go about learning online and in a Masters level course. First she said to structure time into the week as if we were in a F-2-F classroom because that would ensure that there was a block set aside for each course. She suggested that three hours be allotted for every course we were enrolled in per week so we could have enough time to do readings and post in the course forums. This did not include time for paper writing which she suggested there be an hour every day for the week leading up to the paper being due to review and edit the completed paper so it would be up to the standards of a Master's level paper. With this in mind I gathered my schedule, including time for sleep and winding down, all onto one calendar for the first time to see exactly where I was going to fit in three hours a week for this course. For the first time I saw how busy my life was and how little time I really had for personal growth in my professional life which was my main goal for taking a Masters Degree.

I realized quickly, though not quickly enough to help my first paper, that for me one day a week, even with three hours blocked off, would not be enough for me to wrap my head around all the readings and be successful with writing papers. I submitted my first paper and was feeling pretty pleased with how I had made the cover page standout. I thought I had used proper citations and referencing according the APA style requirements. As this was an area that I struggled with through my life I had spent less time focusing on the referencing part and more time focusing on adding in information to support my position. I was unorganized in my collection of references and this made it even harder to go back and create a reference page and to cite within the paper itself. I spent some time with the referencing at the end of the week, just before the paper was due, and this turned out to be a mistake. I am one of those people who like to have papers done a week before they are due just so I know it is completed and I have time to review or have others read it and because of all the time I spent trying to find sources and sadly not keeping all my references written down, I had to spend more time finding where my citations came from than I would have liked which made my time left for finalizing, editing and reference checks, to be rushed. I submitted my paper on time and was surprised at the low mark I received on it being that I had, or so I thought, followed all the required steps for citations and referencing. I was all of a sudden back in the same position I was in through high school trying to pick up the pieces of my paper and with the opportunity to rewrite I really had to push myself to take extra time for APA referencing, which was the reason I needed to rewrite.


Ever Changing Schedule

Calendar Before Adding in my Masters Course

Calendar before my masters.jpg


3 hours a week

 Calendar with the allotted time for one course (3 hours a week)


What my life really looked like

Calendar with how much time I actually spent on my course at the beginning

Final Calendar.jpg


Recording System

 At first I used sticky notes on all the pages followed by highlighted paragraphs to mark the citations in the books and articles, however, I did not number the sticky notes to record the order I was using them in the paper. This recording system was not very effective and caused a lot of time wasting when I had to go back and cite the sources or add in the quotations (1.1). This paper taught me that I needed a better recording system and so I asked my colleagues and peers how they were able to keep track of their references. My colleague suggested using word because it would keep track of the references as they were added and would keep a bank for later use in later classes. This affected my paper writing in the future because I was able to use articles that I had read in the past and add them seamlessly to other papers and word would automatically add them to my references page leaving only slight formatting for me to do at the end (1.5,1.10,4.1).







What Changed

My professor gave me a lot of feedback on this paper, mostly to do with organizing my thoughts and citations. She wrote suggestions as to how I could improve the paper so it was more cohesive and followed the APA formatting required at the masters level. I was shocked with how much green highlights were present on my paper at first but as I read through her comments I realized that she was giving more suggestions than corrections which made me feel better. She suggested articles that could help with reinforcing my points and how to rearrange my sentences to make the paper flow easier for the reader. She suggested that I take a couple of weeks to read through her comments and then rewrite the paper taking in to account all her suggestions and making the necessary changes to enhance the paper itself. 

At the time I was overwhelmed with the direction that I had to take in-order to become a better writer and that not only was it important that I really focus on the small details with in the paper but also to focus on how I referenced within the paper. I struggled at first as I read through the comments and felt as though I was going to have to start over completely, in the end I was able to keep the majority of my information and with my professors guidance change the paper to it accurately described the article, as well as, followed a consistent line of thought followed by evidence from the article. 

Through the entire program I found myself coming back to this first paper to double check that I had not repeated any of the mistakes and that I had a paper that was worthy of a M.Ed student. I was able to go forward with this advice to change my marks from the C I received on this paper to be consistently receiving A- and A's on all my future papers.  

First Paper Of My Journey


Cover Page Then


Paper At The End Of The Course


Cover Page Now


Final Thoughts

Over the last three years I have gown as teacher, student and person, I truly believe that the experience I had in this MDDE 601 class, specifically with this assignment, made me a better writer which has allowed me to further my education through the entire M.Ed program. I was not perfect at writing papers, time management or note taking by the end of this course but I was definitely on my way to becoming proficient. It took me a couple more semesters to figure out how to be proficient in almost all the areas. Every course taught me more about my writing and even though I was never an A+ average on papers I feel that bringing my mark in this course from an unacceptable C to a passing grade of a B was enough of a push to self-motivate me through the rest of the M.Ed program. I am so grateful for the professor and the students who were in my course as their support, along that of my family, was what pushed me to persevere through the hard times and celebrate the successes along the way. The skills I have taken away from this artifact have changed how I manage my time to this day and will continue to influence my writing as I learn and grow in my career. 



24 October 2017, 6:42 AM

Hi Candace

Where your ePortfolio was posted under Assignment 2, I thought you were all done?  Maybe you meant to post in Assignment 1? My previous comments reflect this idea that you were all done.

You show in this entry your growth as a learner. APA is a bit of a beast. I wish our cover pages could be a beautiful as the one you did at first!  I thought your reflection was a bit short (but mine are likely too long). Also, I thought you had a few longish sentences in your artefact summary. Looking forward to reading more. 

Becky Fitzgerald
01 November 2017, 10:15 AM
I enjoyed reading your reflections on this Artefact Candace.  Your reflection on your past experience with negative feedback has given insight into your commitment and investment in your present success. What a difference good feedback vs positive feedback can mean to a student.  You have reflected on your growth from your initial paper to your final.  I see from your graphic you reflected on Community in Distance Education.  Do you think insights in this reflective paper advanced your teaching practice today?  It may be possible for you to include more competencies within your reflection.  Your recognition of time management problems and your ability to solve them could include competencies from Competency 1.  I am looking forward to your next artefacts and I wish you luck working through your final project.  .
Connie Blomgren
28 November 2017, 10:18 AM
Hello again Candace,
Like Becky I suggest you look over your sentences that describe your learning process. Have your competencies with you (perhaps review them first and then look over your description). Insert no more than 2 competencies per insight. As Becky and I view your work, we can see them - but you need to directly pull them out. This may require a bit of explicitly naming the competencies within what you write as well. In other words, the competencies are currently implicit and for a more robust self-reflection you need to make them explicit. You are on the right track - and I commend your ability to show that you have felt vulnerable as a learner - and that with your own efforts and support from instructors, this vulnerability has made growth possible.
Susan Moisey
04 April 2018, 1:22 PM


With each draft you are getting  closer and closer. Here are some things to consider.

a) One thing that is missing is a description of the artefact. You selected the first assignment in 601 as your artefact, which required a critical review of a selected article. But you never really come out and say that. You also need to briefly describe the process you used to complete the assignment.

b) I like how you described why you chose the Moore article to review, i.e., you were concerned about the lack of interaction in DE. I suggest you give a proper bibliographic citation of the paper in APA format (after all, that's the purpose of this artefact).

c) I like how you described the difficulty with organizing references and keeping track of quotations.  You moved from an ineffective sticky system to a system using One Note. Did you ever go beyond One Note as your program progressed? There are programs like Zotero that keep track of references, so I wonder if you progressed to something like that. Just wondering.

d) Do not include more than two competencies in parentheses at one time. If you have more than that, break it down more.

e) I wonder if you have the best title? It seems that the awareness of what was going to be required to be a successful graduate student extended beyond academic writing skills. You were becoming attuned to the demands of graduate-level DE in others areas as well, such as time management, note taking, working from online materials, and so on. Perhaps the artefact might be better titled as something like "A rude awakening." Just a thought.

f) You make some common writing errors. I will e-mail you a handy Tip Sheet to help you polish your writing.

g) Your Final Thoughts don't really seem like final thoughts, i.e., what you think now several years later as you look back.  They seem to just say more about the experience you had in the 601 course, and most could be integrated into the earlier narrative. This is the place where you should put the major take-aways, lessons learned, A-ha experiences, etc. Clearly you survived. You eventually got As on your papers.  You obviously took things away from this original experience that helped you be successful as you progressed and matured as a graduate student.

Hope this helps,


Rita Zuba Prokopetz
04 April 2018, 8:46 PM
Hi Candace,

I can see evidence of your hard work on every passage of your narrative in Artefact 1. You are very detailed in your description, and you allow the reader to feel some of your passion as you compare and contrast some of your learning experiences – good work!

As you review the detailed feedback from Dr. Moisey, take the time to pause and think back on the impact of this meaningful learning experience on you as a person, a student, and a professional. For instance, you mention how you improved your organizational skills under “Recording System” when you learned about the Word application to “keep a bank for later use.” What insights did you gain from this learning experience, and how have they contributed to your growth overall? Are there any other competencies you could think of that could be aligned with some of these experiences?

Under “What Changed,” you mention the feedback you received (once again, it dealt with your ability to organize (“thoughts and citations”), and I wonder if you can expand on this experience. Can you elaborate more on how you see yourself in this passage - “rearrange my sentences to make the paper flow easier for the reader” - and how the passage may be aligned somehow to one of my comments on your introductory page. As you consider a response to my question, think back and see how you can make your Assignment 1 (Introduction and Artefact 1) more aesthetically pleasing to your readers. As a result, you may find it less challenging to complete the subsequent pages in your collection.

Thanks, Candace!
Susan Moisey
05 April 2018, 8:13 PM


You need to make it very clear what artefact you selected. You could rewrite the first sentence like this:

The first course that I took in my master's journey was MDDE 601- Introduction to Distance Education and Training, and I chose the first assignment in that course as Artefact 1. MDDE601 provided an introduction to learning at a distance. In addition to the content related to distance education, the course contained skill-building activities designed to prepare students for writing academic papers and successful completion of masters-level courses.

I think you could do a bit better explaining why you chose this particular artefact and connecting it to your title "A push in the right direction."  Something like this first artefact taught me that I needed to do things differently if I was to succeed in graduate studies. In particular, it showed me that my academic writing was not up to par and that I had to work to improve my writing skills. I also learned about the amount of time needed to study online. My original estimates were not realistic. To succeed, I had to work more, and more efficiently.

You get my drift ....


(All for now, gotta run).