Artefact # 5: MDDE 604: Instructional Design in Distance Education

Tags: mdde604, natasharoberts, artefact5

My final artefact is from MDDE 604: Instructional Design in Distance Education . Reflection begins how I developed as a learner and extends to how this artefact enables me to critically think, and accept criticisms. 

Artefact #5

Artefact # 5: MDDE 604: Instructional Design in Distance Education

Course Summary

MDDE 604: Instructional Design in Distance Education is a project-based course that introduces instructional design principles and explores their application in a realistic way. Step by step, you will work through the various stages of the instructional systems design (ISD) process, designing and developing distance learning materials. In the role of instructional designer, you will systematically create a unit of instruction or learning object that meets an educational need or solves a performance problem you have identified.

My artefact summary

The final artefact chosen is significant to my journey through the MDDE program. It highlights an instructional unit created by me. The accompanying overview demonstrates my ability to create a comprehensive instructional unit, my adherence to branding guidelines, strict adherence to safety protocols, and consideration of the student. I feel this assignment is representative of whom I am today as an educator. Not only do I consider the organizations values, I consider my values and more importantly the students (5.11).

This was a final assignment for MDDE 604: Instructional Design in Distance Education . We were tasked with creating a learning object or instructional unit, I chose the former choosing to demonstrate how to use a social media platform effectively (2.5). The goal was to create an instructional unit that was self-instructional in nature, and take a maximum of one hour to complete. 

The instructional strategy that I utilized was a direct step by step design, infused with screen shot visuals to aid in guidance. To ensure I kept with Guiding brand standards I ensure all participants took an Internet Safety course as a prerequisite (2.7).


A created an instructional unit for the Girl Guides of Canada demonstrating how to successfully start and run a Facebook Group. I felt this would address many problems I was encountering within the organization; this platform could create a communication medium between leaders and parents, it could be utilized to enhance parent contributions, and would be a platform to highlight group activities and accomplishments. Creating a self-instructional unit made sense as leaders could navigate the unit while following along step-by-step. This would allow volunteer leaders the ability to work at their own pace, review steps if needed, and above all not rely on boardroom sessions. It embraced the bounds of time and space and created an activity they would complete within an hour and have measureable results (1.1).

I choose this platform as I felt it made sense from a monetary perspective, it followed brand guidelines, and it created a sense of community to communicate important notices, reminders and messages to parents. When re-visiting this assignment I wish I had used a video, or created a FAQ section to assert and assist students along their way, should they become lost. I presented this self-instructional unit to my district team, and most took it. Their responses were quite positive and most still use their Facebook groups today to engage parent communications (5.9). In looking back I feel I could have really augmented the assignment had I included feedback from participants that later took the unit I offered.

The ability for students to assess their own progress by comparing their Facebook activities with what is pictured in the lesson I feel encouraged participants (2.3). They were able to recognize any errors and eradicate immediately. I feel this is important and should be focused more when creating some instructional materials. The ability to self assess allows for reflection and engaged learning outcomes. As often as possible I incorporate this aspect into lesson plans and activities. The more engaged students are, the more likely they are to excel and achieve their goals (6.1).

If I were able to change things, I would possible consider offering the unit online, as well as in a print format (3.1). I have seen several instructional videos and feel if done correctly can offer a learning benefit. Instructional videos take a lot of time to do them well, and if given more time I would like to have perhaps done that instead. However, when considering accessibility I believe a simple print version is better for the targeted audience (1.11). Based on my Peer Review, I changed a couple things including accessibility to instructors and also accessibility to online forums (1.5). I would have liked to enhance the student-student relationship and include a group activity within the online forums. Something that allows students to communicate and share ideas from different regions. To enhance it further I would want to obtain feedback from the students whom complete the course (Ragan & Smith, 2005) (2.4).


I often find myself creating self-instructional units using step-by-step procedures, using screenshots of what it should look like. I often include a frequently asked section to help anyone that may have missed a step by including an ``oops what did I do`` section.  I have found that this method of self-instructional unit works best with an inexperienced (hesitate) demographic using technology (4.4). I find it works great as it is inexpensive, easy to follow, and adheres to most branded guidelines set out by organizations (6.3). The downside is sometimes it can be more time consuming to create than other instructional designs (2.6). The feedback I received the volunteer leaders whom used this unit originally made me realize that this was the perfect mode of delivery for a niche demographic (3.3).


01 December 2016, 1:45 PM


It seems that creating instructional materials with the involvement of course colleagues offers opportunities for enhancing the product.  When I completed a similar project, I started with what I though was a pretty good product (and I'm sure, one that would have worked) -- it ended up much, much improved through the application of course material and because of peer comments and suggestions.  There must be something to this "team" thing!

And, of course, the nit-picky part:

  1. I think that the last sentence of the first para of the artefact summary needs some " ' ".  "Not only do I consider the organizations values, I consider my values and more importantly the students (5.11)." "organization's" and "students'"
  2. the reflection begins with "A created an instructional unit for ..."
  3. the 3rd para of the reflection includes this sentence, "They were able to recognize any errors and eradicate immediately."  I think "eradicate" needs a specified object.
  4. following the above sentence, "I feel this is important and should be focused more ..."  "focused" or "focused on"?
  5. in the last para of the reflection, "If I were able to change things, I would possible consider ..."
  6. In the application section, "... an inexperienced (hesitate) demographic ..."hesitate" or "hesitant"?

All the best,


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