Introduction: Natasha Roberts

Reflection is the most important tool to any lifelong learner. It is through reflection we can determine our successes and learn from our mistakes. Reviewing learning competencies shines a light on the skills I have acquired and masters as a successful learning in the Masters of Distance Education Program. 



Courses Taken

MDDE 601: Introduction to Distance Education. 
MDDE 602: Research Methods in Distance Education. 
MDDE 603: Foundations of Instructional Design. 
MDDE 604: Instruction Design in Distance Education. 
MDDE 605: Planning and Management in Distance Education and Training. 
MDDE 610: Introduction to Current Distance Education Technologies.
MDDE 611: Foundations of Adult Education.
MDDE 614: International Issues in Distance Education. 
MDDE 617: Program Evaluation in Distance Education. 
MDDE 630: Trends & Issues in K-12 Distance Education. 


Welcome to my e-portfolio. This e-portfolio is a progressive portfolio designed to illustrate my progress and reflections throughout the Masters of Education in Distance Education program with Athabasca University. As I advanced through this program my learning objectives as well as my goals changed dramatically.


I started my career as a Marketing professional with a passion towards education and reaching specific demographics. I read about the Masters in Distance Education online and found it really interesting. Over the course of a year I decided I would apply for the program, as I felt it really would offer several career possibilities. As my marketing career took off, I found myself using most of the competencies from the program in my day to day tasks. I was presented with the opportunity to aid the in the expansion of our organization, which meant delivering marketing plans, programs and tutorials to our teams worldwide. I was seeing myself practically using my new skills daily. 

As I reflect on myself as a student, I recognize now, that I am a life-long learner. I thrive knowledge, I seek it, I share it and I live it. My passion has become the integration of the formal and informal education sectors. To ensure I am relevant in both sectors I am continually seeking new knowledge, and training in new technologies. As a life-long learner I am confident I can provide students of all ages and fields a unique, engaging education package that will motivate them to discover their passions. Aiding students discover their passions, and become engaged in their learning motivates me to become a life-long learning along with them. As educators we are constantly learning, beside our students.

Beginning this program my learning objective was to enhance my knowledge in the formal Education sector. I wanted to grow my career as an education specialist focusing on traditional curriculum.  I knew this program would enhance my skills and allow me to flourish into a career I held a passion for.

There was a turning point, the ah-ha moment when I realized my true potential and calling. Several of my assignments had me researching instructional design, best teaching practices and of course education systems as a whole. In one assignment (listed among my artefacts) I created a learning tool within an online virtual world. Three years later I am working with cutting edge technology, seamlessly connecting curricular learning proficiencies and mobile gaming.

As I explore my journey throughout this program I have outlined 5 learning artefacts that have taught me the most. The five artefacts chosen may seem at random, but they symbolize my growth throughout this program. My passion grew from the formal education sector to that of informal learning, to a combination of the two. As I progressed I quickly learnt how distance education affects many demographics, and provides opportunities to learners of all walks of life. My artefacts include an insightful overview of the course it was pulled from, a summary of the artefact, my personal critical reflection that includes links to related competences of my learning path and an overview of how I apply, relate and demonstrate the Masters of Education in Distance Education competencies in my career. 

Artefacts Chosen

Artefact #1: Online Teaching Forum for students - Secondlife (MDDE 611)

This artefact is one of my favorite assignments I worked on. My passion for technology and education really became apparent to me when reviewing this artefact. I'm not positive I knew it back then; but today I integrate informal and formal education into comprehensive learning programs. Technology is evolving faster than ever before, and much of our educational system is not. Engaging students in their learning plans is of paramount importance, and I had it here! While I didn't necessarily draw much attention onto it; in reflection I can see the link to students is through what captivates them. It's keeping up with what students want, and ensuring they feel comfortable, and included! This artefact brings out my passion that will be further exemplified in my following four artefacts. 

Artefact #2:  Online Learning within the Girl Guides of Canada (MDDE 611)

This article was important to be as it recognized a problem, and a solution within an organization that I volunteer with. It was a piece that I was proud of, and gave me the confidence I needed to critically analyze adult education programs. As an educator I was able to take theories and practices I was learning about in the formal sector and apply it to informal adult education programs. Bringing together formal and informal education practices has become a passion of mine. 

Artefact #3: Integration of Technology at Rainbow Creek Elementary School (MDDE 630)

The integration of technology and education is something that I now, 3 years later practice on a daily basis. There are many components involved in this integration from budgets, politics and of course measured outcomes. Upon review of this artefact I was able to reflect on where I was three years ago and how valuable measured outcomes are. Budgets and politics can changed rapidly depending on results obtained from measurable outcomes. It is important to have awareness of political, budgetary and educational guidelines and procedures. Technology is advancing by leaps and bounds and this artefact, reminds me to not only pay attention to what is being used, but also what is trending, and what is being launched in the tech sector. 

Artefact #4: Fundamental Issues facing Women in Distance Education (MDDE 651)

It is difficult to explain why this artefact impacts me differently every time I reflect upon it, perhaps it is that I feel my viewpoint is controversial. I often feel there is a disadvantage to being a woman; as we are natural caregivers. Caring for a child is not only time consuming, but costly! I feel (right or wrong) that women need to sacrifice either their careers or families; as in the infancy stages of both you can only attain one. This artefact reminds me of the struggles of women globally, and how even in a developed country we are faced with obstacles.  Within this artefact I focused on the socio-economical aspect of fundamentals issues women are faced with. As costs of living increases year over year; I wish I had researched actual costs as they would have played a nice contrast to present. 

Artefact #5: Closing a Performance Gap (MDDE 604)

As an educator I work closely with a company that introduces gaming technology to students while incorporating science standards. This game integrates technology and gaming using informal and formal sectors of education. I often work with teachers, educators, principals and superintendents, my first task is to familiarize them with the online platform, ensure they are confortable navigating the platform, and assist them in creating content. I chose this artefact because it speaks to what I do, and how an audience can transform a teaching aid.  While understanding an audience is important this artefact makes me realize how important delivery of content is as well. If content is over simplified or too difficult your audience will lose attention.  



Debra Hoven
20 June 2016, 3:45 PM
Debra Hoven
20 October 2016, 10:43 AM



Can you please re-instate my earlier comment?


This is part of the process so that I can see what I said before and you can respond to those comments here as well.

I would like to see you delineate your learning goals from the beginning of the program, which you will then address again in your Conclusion where you reflect on to what extent you feel you have met, changed or exceeded those goals. Also please provide a summary rationale of your choice of artefacts that you have selected for your Capstone e-portfolio.



30 October 2016, 9:26 PM

I can't seem to unhide your comment - I deleted it by accident when I was trying to publish the first time. I have no idea how to get it back. I will review my notes, I know I copied it down in June! 
I will be working on revising this artefact this week, and working on these revisions in my other artefacts, I will be publishing shortly. 

Rita Zuba Prokopetz
25 November 2016, 5:42 PM

Hi Natasha, 

I wonder if you will still be adding to this page the five artefact you have chosen; their respective courses: and the rationale behind each choice made. In addition, the learning goals and the list of courses in your program are usually a key component of your introduction. 

Natasha, your introduction starts with information about “reflection” rather than about “you.” You may wish to reorder, and place your “Welcome” introductory message first.

Also, I believe the name of your program is Athabasca University’s Master of Education in Distance Education (MEd) program (Welcome, line 2). 

The following statement needs to be edited for more clarity: “Reflection is the most important tool to any lifelong learner. It is through reflection that we can determine our successes and learn from our mistakes. Reviewing learning competencies shines a light on the skills I have acquired and (the following needs to be revised) masters as a successful learning in the Masters of Distance Education Program. “ 

I will take another look once you have made some of the changes, Natasha. Thank you!

28 November 2016, 11:08 PM

Thank you Rita - 
I have made your suggested changes. 
One thing I am not clear on; should I include a brief overview of my artefacts in this introductory page? I haven't seen other projects with this component - I do like it. Prior to diving into that I wanted to ensure I was following what you suggested. I appreciate your feedback! Thank you! 


Rita Zuba Prokopetz
29 November 2016, 7:19 AM

Hi Natasha, 

I am so pleased to see your interest in continuing your reflective ePortfolio reflective journey. Thank you for acknowledging my earlier comments. I appreciate that! 

Natasha, it is my understanding that on your introductory page you are to include the (names only) five artefacts you have chosen for your presentation along with the names of their respective courses and the rationale behind "why" you have chosen this group of five artefacts (for your presentation).

Please let me know if this helps clarify the comment above -- thanks, Natasha!