Artefact # 1 MDDE 602 - Research Methods in Distance Education

Artefact 1 : MDDE 602 - Assignment 1


Why MDDE 602 - Initial Trials and Tribulations - CHALLENGES

Why? To be honest, it was a prerequisite for the completion of my program, I would not have chosen this course if I didn't have to take it! Was I successful, yes I was, but it did come with a lot of trials and tribulations during the process. I recognized right away that I was going to need more help than the initial tutorials (1.1). Also, (1.2). I had to step back and ask myself, what do I understand about this course? I knew how to read data (percentages and graphing data analysis) but I was not familiar with the software program that was required (SPSS). I had taken a qualitative and quantitative research course (stats) back in University and just squeaked by with a passing grade of 60. When I first started MDDE602, I was so overwhelmed by the articles and problems we had to read and analyze that I did not even have time to fret about the actual software program (SPSS) I had to use to display those findings.

Not only was I recognizing my first obstacle and at the time my weakness, but I had to reacquaint myself with getting back into an online learning environment and being in a synchronous learning platform. I had to become technologically inclined in both synchronous (live classes) and asynchronous (pre-recorded lectures, self-paced study) options. I was diligent enough to make sure that I had a good solid organization and time management skills  (1.5, 1.9) to complete this assignment in the time frame that was expected. I should have however been prepared for any technical issues within that time frame...regrettably I was not. 

I sought out support through the library system after experiencing difficulties with loading the SPSS program. It did not load after multiple tries due to the act I did not have enough storage space to load it. After paying for more storage space and updating my computer, I needed to understand "how" to work the program specifically how it could be better than excel with entering data. The AU library support services helped me realize that storage space was a n issue.

During the first Quantitative Data Collection and Analysis Conference, I was able to ask appropriate questions to my professor and hone in on what it was I was struggling with. As I went through different theories, epistemology; and knowledge construction (2.1). During this time, I realized that due to the challenges I was having I was going to have to be more cognizant on managing my time (6.6), what theories were going to help me understand the data. (2.2). For example, I needed to understand what a histogram graph was for Problem #1 (3.3) in i602 (MDDE 602 Final Grade Interval question), does the distribution of scores (histogram) for this variable appear to reflect a normal distribution or not? I began taking required articles and problems, researching certain data using design and methods, including a "decision-making framework" for identifying research questions and choosing an appropriate research design and understanding the relationship between research and knowledge development in distance education.  

When I was conducting a critical literature review it involved not only focusing on a broad overview of the problems but required specific details outlined in subtopics that require a more in-depth analysis of specific studies such as understanding the research process in what questions relate to theory, and what do not. It was important to Identify the relationships among certain data concepts to create a theoretical sketch (5.6). This process became more of an interactive process where data collection and analysis to identify any themes, theories, and key concepts. Interpreting data and using alternative software and platforms proved to be an obstacle. It was a challenge trying to make sense of all of this complex, data which  had to be respected in different histograms, bar charts, and pie charts. I had to represent data with different visuals such as scatterplots, and line graphs. Each problem had to have a different customizable graph for quality visuals for each individual problem.


Tutoring and Reflection

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There was a colleague that I worked with at Halton District School board with whom I had a conversation about the MDDE602 course. She told me that stats in qualitative and quantitative data was her forte, so I asked her if I could hire her as a private tutor. Thank goodness Karen agreed. The format of this Assignment #1 was a problem-and-answer format, rather than the usual research paper format. We had to answer each problem question separately while ensuring we placed figures, tables, and graphics with the answer to the question. There was important information that helped me improve my understanding the SPSS System. This system site SPSS Statistics (developed by IBM) was required for us to use for data management, and advanced analytics for problems. Not only did I have an issue understanding the dynamics of how the program worked but I also had a difficult time loading the software. It showed it loaded, then I couldn't find the program on my computer, it just kept prompting me to load it over again and again...This was the beginning of my frustration!

Not only did I have to find a hypothesis based on what I was seeing but I also had to explain significant data results and the correlation and the relationship between each of the variables. Karen supported me through this whole process. We went through all the required problems, and each question had a different way to display the data as it was being interpreted. It was important to Identify and analyze patterns or themes within the data. After that, I could go over the material with Karen to discuss and reflect to gain different perspectives and value to each problem.

Below is an example of Problem 5: Standard Deviation & Standard Error. Standard deviation is valuable when it comes to grades. Mean is the average of all the grades in a class. This question presented itself as a serious barrier for me, especially the math portion of it. My colleague and I had some interactive phone/zoom sessions which allowed us to go through the questions together (5.7). It was beneficial for me to receive immediate feedback which helped me correct mistakes and understand the material in real-time. 

Once I understood the validity of the SPSS program, it allowed me to group and summarize (5.8) and condensing the information allowed me to group my findings into a more manageable analysis. This is where I could identify relationships such as common patterns, themes, patterns, and contradictions. It also allowed me to combine insights from different sources to create a unified understanding.



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Karen provided me with a supportive safe learning environment (4.4) where I could feel comfortable with asking questions (at times I felt like very silly questions) and making mistakes. This course made me more motivated to feel empowered about my learning and realize that I can conquer any educational task as long as I put in hard work and continuous effort. It also sparked a love for learning new content even in very uncomfortable formats (qualitative and quantitative research). It gave me a boost of confidence. At times, it is difficult to take constructive criticism and I received a lot of feedback. This feedback, I learned was essential for me to learn from my mistakes.

In conclusion, this course was my biggest achievement and downfall throughout my whole MDDE course load. In retrospect, I have learned a lot about my strengths and weakness especially with learning new digital platforms that stem around data analysis. I also predict that this Artefact #1 will be my biggest challenge to discuss, explain and reflect on. I found it extremely difficult to even explain where and when I had struggles as really it seems to be a big blur.  Strengths? Adversity in competing the data analysis in proper digital platforms. My weakness still remains, Qualitative in the pure understanding of why people behave the way they do in specific aspects. It also can be measured in aiming to uncover insights that can actionable that is immediate. My weakness in quantitative research in particular was that I found it more of a generalized research process that is secondary data is sometimes not available or available. 



What? So What? Now What?

I selected Assignment #1 MDDE602 as my Artefact 1 because I almost quit my Master's program due to this course. Yes, it was only my second course. The outline was to conduct an in-depth analysis of quantitative data. Initially, I was relieved to see that the course offered "friendly tutorials" to provide a "gentle overview" of the expectations. However, as I began watching the tutorials, I started feeling overwhelmed by the complexity of the material. When deciding on my Artefact, I immediately thought of this one. I had two significant questions in mind: 1. What additional steps do I need to take beyond the tutorials to understand how to analyze data? 2. How can I develop a growth mindset, recognize my fixed mindset, and embrace the challenge of this assignment without becoming discouraged? These obstacles weighed heavily on my mind, but with serious effort and diligence, I managed to overcome them including, nothing is impossible.

Chosen Competencies

Competencies Defined: "The knowledge, skills, abilities, and behaviours that contribute to individual and organizational performance" (, 2024)                   

Problem-solving, analysis, and decision-making.. 

1.1 Recognize Problems

1.2 Define the aspects of problems

1.5. Critically reflect on the value and applicability of information

1.9. Recognize the wider implications of specific knowledge

Instructional Design & Development for Equity

2.1 Critically analyze and discuss the implications of personal perspectives and epistemological orientations for the teaching-learning process

2.2 Appropriately apply systems theory and systems analysis techniques to instructional design situations in distance education 

 Communication Technologies and Networking

3.3. Analyze and evaluate the various applications and implications of these technologies

4.4. Support the learning of others when involved in teaching, mentoring, moderating, collaboration or demonstration activities


5.5 Formulate effective/appropriate search terms in library searches

5.6  Critically review literature both broadly and in-depth

5.7 Formulate questions and reasoned arguments, leading to rational conclusions 

5.8 Summarize and synthesize information with a view to pursuing a deeper understanding.

Management, Organization and Leadership

6.6.Manage workload, other commitments, and information needs within time and structural constraints (in both personal and team management situations).




Urvi Popat
27 May 2024, 2:06 PM

Hi Laura,

I wanted to let you know that I found MDDE 602 to be a particularly challenging course as well, so I completely understand what you are trying to convey in this artifact. Your reflection resonates with me, and I appreciate the effort and detail you've put into sharing your experience.

Your reflection is well-structured, following a logical flow from the challenges faced to the strategies employed and lessons learned. This makes it easy to follow your thought process and the progression of your learning. The personal reflections, especially about seeking help from a colleague and the detailed understanding of complex statistical concepts, add depth to your reflection. They illustrate your proactive approach and willingness to seek help when needed.

 One suggestion is, it would be helpful to include sub-competencies in parentheses throughout your reflection.

 I'm looking forward to reading your concluding portion to see how you wrap up this comprehensive reflection. Lovely read so far. Keep up the great work!



27 May 2024, 5:26 PM

Hi Uvri, Thank you! I am trying to wrap this all up in my reflection and conclusion piece. I have made some of the necessary changes!


27 May 2024, 4:32 PM

Hello Laura,

You have made a good start to artifact one. Your introduction is well done. Each portfolio page should be around 2000 words: 200 for the introduction, 200 for the conclusion, and approximately 1600 for the body, including your experiences integrated with your reflections. This word count does not include your sub-competencies or any images or work from the artifact you are discussing. This page is around 1300 words, so it must be expanded.

Okay, so let's dive into your artifact. I recommend making your sub-competencies smaller and moving them out of the way.

In your well-developed introduction, you mentioned that you clearly discussed two areas of learning: how you came to manage your understanding of the material (through a tutor) and developing a growth mindset. (It will be easier for you if you do not separate your reflections from your learning experiences). Here are some suggestions to help you improve your artifact.

Why MDDE 602 Section

I can say that would not have chosen this course if I didn't have to take it! (Typo in this sentence).

Whenever you use a sub-competency, you need to provide an example with specific details, and you only need to post the sub-competency number,

I recognized right away that I was going to need more help than the initial tutorials (1.1. Recognize problems). Why did you recognize this? What was wrong with the tutorials? Why were you struggling? You must provide an example with specific details explaining this situation. Did you struggle with math? Was it the initial statistical concepts that were confusing you? How did you come to the awareness you would need more help?

Also, all sub-competencies should be at the end of sentences.

Also, I had to step back and ask myself, what do I understand? How can this help me? What part of this course do I need support in? (1.2)  What do you understand about what? The concepts in the videos? Which concepts are you specifically discussing? Be careful with rhetorical questions because you must explain them and provide specific details to show evidence of learning. Here, you are learning what you need help with, and that is great, but you should choose one example and explain it to provide that evidence. Then, you can reflect on it.

As you review your page, please note that this is a narrative about your learning, not what you did. So please avoid bullet points as they only summarize what you studied. Instead, consider picking one item from this list as an example and explain the process of what you did not know, how your tutor helped you understand it with specific details and how you came to learn it. Then reflect on what you learned academically, but also personally. How did this experience change you?

I know it is a finicky writing style, but your ideas are organized, and now they need to be messaged into a succinct story with details that provide evidence for your sub-competencies.

Nice work.


27 May 2024, 5:25 PM

Hi Bonnie,

Thank you I will make the necessary changes and thank you for your feedback! :)


03 June 2024, 3:45 PM

Final Copy of Artefact 1 is ready for review

Paul Douglas-Walfall
04 June 2024, 9:02 AM


I agree with you about MDDE 602. I told others that this course was a plot by the university to undermine my good name! I am happy your persevered.


I wonder if you could have said more about the ways your taking this course changed your outlook on computational courses. Does this mean you will keep far from situations like these again? Or has it sharpened your "knock them over" spirit? I guess what I am saying is that I wondered if you could have said more about your learnings coming out of the experience.

Just my thoyghts


04 June 2024, 5:25 PM

Hello Laura,

You have done a great job on Artifact One. Here are a few more tweaks.

I needed to be diligent enough to ensure that I had good, solid organization and time management skills to complete this assignment in the expected time frame (add 1.5, 1.9). (Also consider that I was diligent enough to make sure...

 I sought support through the library system after experiencing difficulties loading the program. What program are you talking about, the library system or SPSS? Can you please provide a specific example of one of your difficulties

I did not know how the AU library could support me (what do you mean? Support you with what specifically? Give an example. or explain this in more detail.

but after getting some 1 on 1 support we made a list of other similar characteristics and programs such as (5.5) the use of Learning Management Systems (LMS) like Moodle, Canvas, or Blackboard. Who is we? You and the library staff? t This sentence appears like you are trying to pact a lot of ideas in one sentence. Take your time to explain it carefully and provide an example. Then you may be able to use some sub-competences from Competency 3. Try and develop this idea fully.

After my initial meeting with AU library support, I had to recap and review an understanding of Quantitative Data Collection and Analysis. Consider rephrasing this sentence. Delete after my initial meeting with AU library. Consider: During the first Quantitative Data Collection and Analysis Conference, I was able to ask my Professor a series of questions, which allowed me to hone in on and define some of my struggles. For example, we talked about different theories, epistemology, and knowledge construction. This allowed me fo narrow down my interest to .....(provide a specific example). Every time you use a sub-competency, you need to provide a specific example, discuss its relevance, what you learned from it and how it helped you in some way. 

I was able to break down how I was going to manage my time, and what theories were going to help me understand the data. (2.2). During your discussion with the professor, did you realize that you need to develop better time management? If this sentence does not have anything to do with your professor's conference, it might be better to start a new paragraph. Avoid packing too many ideas into one paragraph without providing specific examples. You have many good ideas here, so take the time to develop them, even if it means editing out repetitive or unnecessary areas.

The tutoring section should include more sub-competencies integrated into it. There shouldn't be any long paragraphs without sub-competencies, or they should be removed. Every section should have sub-competencies, as the artifacts are created to demonstrate evidence of learning and analysis. If you cannot find examples in your paragraphs, you should put them in or consider if the section is summarizing actions rather than analyzing your learning experiences. 

There was important information that helped me improve my understanding the SPSS System. What information was important? Provide an example of this important information. How did you know the information was important and what was it important for?

Below is an example of Problem 5: Standard Deviation & Standard Error. Standard deviation is valuable when it comes to grades. Consider rephrasing this so that you are not directing the reader to look somewhere else on the page. For example, why are standard deviation and error valuable when it comes to grades? This question presented a barrier to me because of it's mathematical component. 

My colleague and I had some interactive phone/Zoom sessions, which allowed us to go through the questions together (5.7). Provide an example and explain what you learned from the experience.

Consider integrating your Aha moment within or at the end of your tutoring section and look for more sub-competencies. Also check for redundacies.

Since I have asked you to provide more details on this page (word count), you may have to remove your Growth mindset section as you may go over the word count,  summarize it in some way, and maintain the focus on your own learning and growth. There are a couple of areas that need some minor editing as well. 

I have enjoyed reading your revisions.





06 June 2024, 12:07 PM

Thank you! I will revise lol I appreciate it!

Laura :)

04 June 2024, 6:54 PM

Sorry for the typos. It was getting late.


Urvi Popat
06 June 2024, 10:57 AM

Hi Laura,

I enjoyed reading your artifact and Bonnie's excellent suggestions.

In your conclusion, consider discussing how you intend to apply the knowledge and skills you've gained in future courses or your professional life. This will highlight the lasting impact of the course on your personal and professional development.

