
Three years ago I set out to make the transition, from a computer professional, to a designer and teacher of computing courses. My original learning goal was to acquire the skills needed to undertake quantitative research in education. Instead, I have learned enough theory, balanced with practical skills, to help with the transition to e-learning in Australian universities.


Susan Moisey
25 October 2016, 2:24 PM


In your Introduction, you said the following about your learning goals when entering the M.Ed. program:

My original learning goals were the skills needed to undertake quantitative research. My aim was to examine the questions:

  1. Do on-line and conventional classroom courses produce different outcomes?
  2. Are there differences in learning outcomes for students in different countries undertaking the same on-line course?

The intention was to convince my university colleagues that e-learning was a viable alternative to classroom teaching, and I was competent in the discipline.

Although you ended up not doing a thesis, I imagine that you can say something about more about the extent to which your "intent" was realized, particularly the competence in the discipline you mentioned.


Tom Worthington
30 October 2016, 10:40 PM

Susan, yes more added on how my "intent" was realized.

But I might have got a bit carried away at the end and overly messianic. ;-)

Tom W.

Susan Moisey
03 November 2016, 10:38 PM

Hey, passion is a good thing!
